[Abstract]:In view of the fact that freehand brushwork technique is regarded as the most important technique in the former flower-and-bird painting technique course and the practical training teaching of fine brushwork technique is relatively weak, the proportion of the copying practice training of meticulous brushwork technique in the course teaching is increased through the practice training teaching of the fine brushwork of flower and bird in the Song Dynasty. Freehand brushwork and fine brush techniques promote each other. With the help of the practical teaching reform of flower-and-bird painting technique course, the students' aesthetic ability can be cultivated, and the appreciation level of fine brushwork will be improved, and the students' painting skills of fine brushwork and bird painting will be better grasped, and the creative ability of fine brushwork flower-bird painting will be improved effectively. Widen the employment orientation, cultivate the compound talents with comprehensive accomplishment and creative art consciousness, better meet the post professional ability requirements, make the teaching more close to the artistic demand of the market, realize the interaction and docking between the curriculum and the market, Really bring the course to market.
【作者单位】: 暨南大学艺术学院;
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