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发布时间:2018-08-05 15:59
[Abstract]:Light force is floating, force weight is blunt, rapid transport is slippery, Xu Yun is hysteresis, partial use is thin, is using plate, curved as clouds, straight such as ruler. Chinese painting regards line rhyme as its own life. It not only reflects the differences in appearance and texture of various images, but also shows the various looks of the characters, reflects the feelings, psychology and preferences of the author, but also depicts the texture and contours of the images very simply; on the other hand, Abstract lines are not without purpose, they contain profound implications, not only for appearance, but also for meaning. There is a consistent aesthetic standard in the online bar. The writing brush is very important in the process of line creation. In the process of reflecting the object image by the line, it is often used to reflect the characteristics and emotion of the creator by using its various types of pen patterns, so as to convey the charm of the work. The use of lines in Chinese painting in ceramic art makes us see that retention and inheritance are not the same as inheritance, no matter how good the literati portray the tradition, it just reflects the ancient times and can shape it. The freehand brushwork thought and so on carries on the reference, if simply inflexibly plagiarizes its style, at best also reflected the cultural development backwardness. Artistic expression can not exist completely from life, and it needs to embody certain social life in essence. Therefore, in the face of the challenges of the new social wave, it can not be ignored that the emergence of various new thinking and new consciousness will also bring new experience, new perception and new cognition to the development and innovation of ceramic art and line. From this point of view, from the occurrence and development of the lines of Chinese painting and the occurrence and development of ceramic art, we will study deeply, promote the continuous development of ceramic art, enrich and expand the expressive power of the lines, and make its unique artistic charm better express the present ceramic art. It is particularly meaningful to express the unique style of the nation.


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