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发布时间:2018-08-05 15:59
【摘要】:像素图形早在20世纪就出现并被使用在电子产品中,它是电子计算机等产品最原始的图形表现形式。随着电子产品的普及,像素画、像素图形也开始被大量地被应用在电脑计算机、游戏机、计算器等设备的屏幕上。这些产品的屏幕显示是靠一个一个小小的像素点为基本单位的组合来实现图形图像、文字或是动态影像的输出,逐渐的,这种为了适应于屏幕显示而出现的画面形式成为了几乎所有电子显示屏最重要的表达语言。 像素画在电子游戏中的画面表现形式经历了几个不同的时期,每一个时期的像素画都会因为受到科技进步的影响而呈现出差异,而这些画面表现上的差异也反映着当时的科技水平。随着电子游戏种类和数量的不断丰富,像素画在电子游戏中也呈现出了更多的表现形式,比如三维立体。而像素画自身的发展也呈现出了多元化的趋势,在具体应用中也呈现出了不同的特征。在这些美轮美奂的画面背后,科技的飞速发展功不可没,,而设计者的创造力同样重要,当然,当像素画这种表现形式上升到艺术的高度后,其自身的价值和意义也随之变得更为明显。 本文力图从多维角度来说明像素画艺术的内涵及价值并从像素画的特征、表现及其应用等方面进行了深入的研究和探讨。
[Abstract]:Pixel graphics appeared as early as the 20th century and are used in electronic products. It is the most primitive graphic form of computer and other products. With the popularity of electronic products, pixel painting, pixel graphics are also beginning to be widely used in computer computers, game consoles, calculators and other devices on the screen. The screen display of these products is based on a combination of small pixels as the basic unit to achieve the output of graphics, text, or dynamic images, gradually. This image form, which is suitable for screen display, has become the most important expression language for almost all electronic display screens. The picture representation of pixel painting in video games goes through several different periods, and the pixel paintings of each period are different from each other because of the impact of scientific and technological advances. And the differences in the performance of these pictures also reflect the level of science and technology at that time. With the increasing variety and number of video games, pixel painting also presents more forms in video games, such as three-dimensional. The development of pixel painting itself also presents a trend of diversification, in the specific application also presents different characteristics. Behind these beautiful images, the rapid development of technology has contributed to the rapid development of technology, and the creativity of designers is equally important, of course, when the expression of pixel painting rises to the height of art. Its own value and significance also become more obvious. This paper tries to explain the connotation and value of the art of pixel painting from a multidimensional perspective, and makes a deep research and discussion on the characteristics, performance and application of pixel painting.


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