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发布时间:2018-08-06 13:31
[Abstract]:Watercolor from the birth to today has undergone 500 years of development, performance techniques have tended to diversity. In today's era when digital media and video technology are booming, traditional painting is facing great challenges. As one of the western traditional painting art, watercolor painting is worth thinking about how to get enlightenment and development from the scientific and technological achievements of today's era. Nowadays, the formation and display of images is not only with the help of traditional painting materials and forms, but also with the development of science and technology, more people choose to use digital editing software. Photoshop software is one of the many digital image editing software. The image can be quickly retouched and modified to achieve the visual effects expected by the creators. It has the powerful function, can process the image quickly and effectively, has involved in each visual image domain. By using this digital software tool, the watercolor painting can produce a different picture effect, which can not be shown by the traditional watercolor painting technique. In the personal creation, the author finds that it has a broad prospect in the future watercolor language diversification development. The purpose of this paper is to compare the characteristics of digital software Photoshop application in the field of traditional watercolor painting, and then analyze the feasibility of the integration of traditional watercolor and digital technology with the rapid development of digital media technology today. Combined with the integration application of traditional watercolor and digital software Photoshop in personal creation practice, this paper explores the enlightenment of digital software to the future development of watercolor expression language.


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