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发布时间:2018-08-06 14:15
【摘要】:经历了数千年发展的中国人物画,形成了自身独特的审美观及造型方式,在世界画坛上占有举足轻重的地位。陈洪绶——中国画坛上不可忽视的一位绘画巨匠,他一生中创作了数百件艺术作品,,巧妙的将中国绘画造型中的夸张性、装饰性等艺术规律应用到创作中去,其笔下的人物画超凡脱俗,极具古拙美和装饰美。经他巧妙构思过的人物艺术表现力远远超越了人物形象的准确再现,可谓独具匠心,开启了人物画创作新风。陈洪绶的人物画作品之所以受到如此高的评价,与他把握住了中国传统绘画造型的精髓意象造型是分不开的。 本文在对中国人物画深入考察的基础之上,首先引出中国传统造型方式对“意”的追求,从哲学、文学、艺术不同领域对意象的理解中把握意象的具体所指,并最终得出意象造型的概念。其次作者从陈洪绶生活背景以及陈洪绶写意性艺术观形成的原因,还有对陈洪绶绣像作品人物造型三方面进行分析,总结陈洪绶是如何将意象造型应用到创作中去的。最后为本论文的重点,那就是我们应如何将传统的意象造型应用到当今美术创作中去。研究陈洪绶的画学理念和人物造型的方法对当代艺术创作者有很深的启示作用,这对西方绘画影响下中国意象造型观应如何继承与应用显得尤为重要。透过现象看本质,深入理解中国绘画造型的内在精神,正确处理“意”与“象”的关系,将“意象”继承并发扬光大,创作出更多极富时代特征并极具民族性的高水平绘画作品。
[Abstract]:After thousands of years of development, Chinese figure painting has formed its own unique aesthetic and styling style, and occupies a pivotal position in the world painting world. Chen Hongshou, a painting magnate who can not be ignored in the Chinese painting world, has created hundreds of works of art in his life, skillfully applying the artistic laws of exaggeration and decoration in Chinese painting modeling to his creation. The figure painting in his works is beyond vulgarity and has the ancient beauty and decorative beauty. The artistic expressiveness of the characters he has cleverly conceived has gone far beyond the exact reproduction of the figures, and it can be said to be ingenious and open up a new style in the creation of figure paintings. The reason why Chen Hongshou's figure painting works are so highly appraised is that he grasps the essence of traditional Chinese painting modeling. Based on the in-depth investigation of Chinese figure painting, this paper first leads to the pursuit of "meaning" in Chinese traditional modeling, and grasps the specific meaning of image in different fields of philosophy, literature and art. Finally, the concept of image modeling is obtained. Secondly, the author from Chen Hongshou life background and Chen Hongshou freehand brushwork art view formation reason, also carries on the analysis to the Chen Hongshou embroidery portrait work character modelling three aspects, summarizes Chen Hongshou how to apply the image modelling to the creation. Finally, the emphasis of this paper is how to apply traditional image modeling to art creation. The study of Chen Hongshou's theory of painting and the method of character modeling has a deep enlightenment to contemporary art creators, which is particularly important for how to inherit and apply the Chinese image modeling under the influence of western painting. Seeing the essence through the phenomenon, deeply understanding the inner spirit of Chinese painting modeling, correctly handling the relationship between "meaning" and "image", inheriting and carrying forward the "image", Create more high-level paintings with the characteristics of the times and nationality.


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