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发布时间:2018-08-06 14:44
【摘要】:对于绘画的研究,最终要归结到对画面的形式感体验上来。对工笔花鸟画的形式研究,尤其是在当下多元文化交融的今天,对工笔花鸟画形式感的研究就更有新的意义。 宋人花鸟画是中国工笔花鸟画的高峰,表达内容和画面形式感已经达到了高度的统一,是尽精微、致广大的典范,画家通过对花草鱼虫的精彩刻画表达出画家对生活的理解和热爱。宋人花鸟画,是后人学习花鸟画的样本,在技法表现上已经有了完善的体系,无论勾线、上色,翎羽花草的线上的表达,还是颜色上的表达,都达到了前所未有的高度。后来一脉相承的工笔花鸟画,有黄家富贵徐熙野逸,画家们对花鸟的表现进行着不懈的探索。随着后来写意画的发展,工笔花鸟画势微,但也涌现出像陈洪绶、恽南田等花鸟画家的革新者,赋予工笔花鸟画新的形式新的发展,对工笔花鸟的发展做出巨大的贡献。 当今的社会是一个更加开放的社会,“笔墨当随时代”当下的花鸟画表达是当下人们审美感受的体现,绘画满足当下人们的审美需求。随着中国的改革开放,新思潮的涌入,对当下的工笔花鸟带来了新的思想,推动了现代工笔画的快速发展。现代的思潮促成现代的工笔绘画表现内容和新的形式语言。面对新的思潮,面临着推动现代工笔画向前发展和继承传统工笔花鸟画精髓的双重责任。本课题的用意在于,通过对中国工笔花鸟画发展过程中,形式语言发展的脉络研究,,梳理出一条关于工笔花鸟画精神线路。从形式本身的点出发,由点到面,试着探索关于中国花鸟画的某些精髓的东西,探索关于工笔花鸟画形式变化所被牵引的精神。 本课题结合自己最近所做的绘画实践创作,由理论层面结合绘画实践,争取最大程度体会本课题所做的试探性研究。
[Abstract]:The study of painting will ultimately be attributed to the experience of the form sense of the picture. The study of the form of flower and bird painting, especially in today's multicultural blend, is more of a new significance to the study of the sense of form of flower and bird painting.
The flower and bird painting in the Song Dynasty is the peak of Chinese flower and bird painting. The expression content and the form sense of the picture have reached a high degree of unity. It is the best example. The painter expresses the understanding and love of the painter through the wonderful depiction of the flowers and insects. The song and bird painting is the sample for the later generations to learn the flower and bird painting. After a perfect system, whether the line, color, feathers, flowers and flowers are expressed on the line, or the expression of color, it has reached an unprecedented height. Later on, the painter and bird painting, with the rich and precious Xu Xiye of the Huang family, explored the performance of the flowers and birds. With the development of later freehand painting, the painting and bird painting However, the innovators, like Chen Hongshou, Yun Nan Tian and other flower and bird painters, have given a new form of flower and bird painting and made great contributions to the development of flowers and birds.
Today's society is a more open society. The expression of the flower and bird painting in the present era is the embodiment of the aesthetic feeling of the people. The painting meets the aesthetic needs of the people. With the reform and opening of China, the influx of new trends of thought has brought new ideas to the present flower and bird belt, which has promoted the rapid development of modern painting. In the face of the new trend of thought, the modern trend of thought is faced with the dual responsibility of promoting the development of modern brushwork and inheriting the essence of traditional brushwork and bird painting. The purpose of this topic is to study the development of formal language in the development process of Chinese flower and bird painting. From the point of form itself, from the point of view, we try to explore some of the essence of Chinese flower and bird painting, and explore the spirit of the change in the form of flower and bird painting.
This topic combines with my recent painting practice creation, combines the theory level with the painting practice, strives to realize the tentative research which this topic has done to the greatest extent.


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2 易存国;;“墨分五色”论:“水墨为上”之关要[J];文艺研究;2013年08期




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