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发布时间:2018-08-06 16:17
[Abstract]:The 17th century was a marvelous and glorious year. The European Renaissance ended the long Middle Ages. In the other end of the world-Northeast Asia, both China and Japan social commodity economy are highly developed, secular culture suddenly emerged. In this context, the two national art tree opened out two beautiful flowers for the decoration of civilian life. They are perfect, but also inextricably linked. The two flowers of art are the Ming and Qing Dynasty woodcut paintings and the Japanese Archaeozoic paintings respectively. There is no doubt that the Archaean painting grew up under the nourishment of the Ming and Qing Dynasty wood carvings. It is also beyond doubt that the influence of the Archaeological painting in the world after the 20th century is not comparable to the wood carvings of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Through comparative study, these two forms of fine arts are too similar. It is the combination of publishers, painters, engravers, printers to complete the circulation of commodity arts and crafts. The civilian nature of both, or the folklore and grass roots of the new nature is also obvious to all. As a result of this concentration and sales, some famous printing centers have been formed in both countries. China is mainly concentrated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in Anhui, while Japan is mainly concentrated in Jiangdu City. Both of the production techniques are more similar, more for the watermark woodcut. Only in form, the Ucio painting than Ming and Qing Dynasty wood carvings broke through the book illustration style, developed a more independent appreciation of the value of a single print. The development track of the subject matter content is also coincidence. Both of them reached the peak of artistic form with the maturity of figure painting, and ended with landscape flower and bird painting in the declining period. In this respect, their biggest difference is the Ming and Qing Dynasty woodcut figure painting focus on the environment and plot of the characters, while the focus of the life painting is to describe the characters themselves. Ming and Qing Dynasty wood carving tone elegant, simple style. The Archaean painting is full of colors, but implies the Zen meaning of saying that there is still Hugh. Both forms of art have great vitality. However, the vitality of the Eocene is infinitely rising, and the breakthrough of the limit makes the force of the vitality extremely strong. Correspondingly, the woodcut paintings of Ming and Qing dynasties presented a stable and peaceful, calm and praiseworthy temperament of life. The great success of the Archaean in the 20 th century. Apart from its own factors, the key lies in the multicultural values of the Japanese. In order to revive the woodcut paintings in Ming and Qing dynasties, it is necessary to study and contrast the active tracks of the two centuries.


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1 黄巍;徐程成;;日本浮世绘与中国明清版画审美特征之比较[J];考试周刊;2008年34期

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3 熊金艺;从民族性格解读日本浮世绘与中国桃花坞木版年画[D];华中师范大学;2007年




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