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发布时间:2018-08-06 20:01
[Abstract]:Zhangzhou woodcut New year painting is an important part of Chinese traditional New year Pictures. It began in Song Dynasty and flourished in Ming and Qing dynasties with a long history. Zhangzhou's largest woodblock New year painting workshop for the Yan family Yan Jinhua shop. After the founding of the people's Republic of Quanzhou and other places near extinction, Zhangzhou Yanshi wooden New year Pictures have been preserved and passed on to this day. In 2006, it was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list, Yan Shiguo is the sixth generation inheritor of Zhangzhou woodcut New year painting. But with the change of times and the change of people's life style, the living environment of Zhangzhou woodcut New year Pictures is seriously threatened. The purpose of this paper is to inherit traditional culture and protect intangible cultural heritage. On the basis of many field investigations and interviews, this paper makes use of history, folklore and sociology. Aesthetics and other disciplines of theory and methods of Zhangzhou woodblock New year painting in-depth study. Starting with the geography and human environment of Zhangzhou, this paper introduces the development origin, artistic characteristics, folk culture connotation of Zhangzhou woodcut New year painting, and probes into the similarities and differences of Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and Tainan woodcut New year paintings. In particular, it discusses the spreading situation in Jinmen area and expounds the influence of the cultural factors of Minnan on Zhangzhou woodcut New year Pictures. The paper thinks that Zhangzhou woodcut New year painting has deep traditional culture accumulation, rich local folk custom connotation, extremely Minnan culture characteristic, as a kind of carrier of Minnan culture, has important historical and cultural value, is our country precious cultural heritage.


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