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发布时间:2018-08-06 21:21
【摘要】:中国古代从隐逸传统与玄学自然观开始,山水诗、山水画相继大兴。山水画这种有着独特人文意义的题材在中国传统绘画中扮演了一千多年的重要角色。然而到现代,生活环境、生活方式产生了巨大变化,现代城市生活相较古人,与自然的距离更远,人对自然山水的感情也发生转移。另外随着信息的开放,一个普通人都可以看到古代被束之高阁的珍品,西方风景画的概念也逐渐进入人心,所以现代创作者可能接受到的影响也更多,“山水”与山水画创作态度就更加值得深思。古人情感所系的山水,在被转述过无数次之后,其美感与细微之处貌似已经与现代人的语境相隔离。 本文从魏晋山水意识产生之时开始梳理,撷取历代重要的画家、画作与画论进行分析比较,并对大的的转型时期重点着墨,试图通过山水画中“物象”作用的变化理解其背后的绘画对象与绘画主体之间关系的转变,对这种古今语境的差异进行拆解。 本文最后一章,尝试分析山水画流变过程中的种种问题,并从人、物、画三者互动关系中对山水画创作进行一番积极的思考,以更深入地理解山水画表达的本意。
[Abstract]:In ancient China, from the hermit tradition and metaphysical view of nature, landscape poetry and landscape painting have flourished one after another. Landscape painting has played an important role in Chinese traditional painting for more than one thousand years. However, great changes have taken place in modern life, living environment and way of life. Compared with the ancients, modern urban life is far away from nature, and people's feelings towards natural mountains and rivers have also changed. In addition, with the opening up of information, an ordinary person can see the treasures of the ancient shelved pavilion, and the concept of western landscape paintings is gradually gaining ground in the hearts of the people, so modern creators may also receive more influence. "Landscape" and landscape painting creative attitude is more worth pondering. After being recounted countless times, the beauty and nuance of the ancient emotions seem to be isolated from the modern context. This paper begins from the time when the consciousness of landscape in Wei and Jin dynasties comes into being, taking the important painters, paintings and theories of painting to analyze and compare, and focusing on the great period of transition. This paper tries to understand the change of the relationship between the painting object and the painting subject through the change of the function of the "object image" in the landscape painting, and to disassemble the difference of the ancient and modern context. In the last chapter of this paper, I try to analyze all kinds of problems in the process of landscape painting evolution, and make a positive reflection on landscape painting creation from the interactive relationship among people, objects and paintings, in order to understand the original intention of landscape painting expression more deeply.


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