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发布时间:2018-08-07 15:03
【摘要】:《圆明园四十景图》为清乾隆朝(1736-1795)宫廷画家沈源、唐岱奉敕绘制的园林山水册,不仅是研究乾隆年间园林建设的重要图像资料,也代表了宫廷实景山水与界画的绘制水平。 《圆明园四十景图》从《避暑山庄三十六景图》发展而来,,它的绘制是乾隆帝继位后的重要文化工程,其四十景的取景、命名、入画与《圆明园四十景图咏》的制图、刊刻、出版,都受到乾隆帝的关注,体现了《圆明园四十景图》在乾隆帝文化大业中的重要地位。源于时下政治与文化的需要,不仅内廷画家奉敕描绘圆明园苑囿景象,乾隆帝近身词臣更是几番抄录御制圆明园诗咏,宫廷掀起用诗画表现圆明园的热潮。 本文共分四个章节,从《圆明园四十景图》出发,以回归历史语境的方式,对其绘制过程、当朝影响、艺术特色进行深入剖析,探讨《圆明园四十景图》与《避暑山庄三十六景图》之关系,园林界画山水与造园之间的关系,圆明园诗图的刊刻所体现的帝王与群臣、百姓之间的互动关系。
[Abstract]:The "Old Summer Palace Forty scenes" is not only an important image material for the study of garden construction during the Qianlong period, but also for Shen Yuan, a court painter in the Qianlong Dynasty (1736-1795), and Tang Dai Fengchi. It also represents the drawing level of the actual court landscape and the boundary painting. < Old Summer Palace 40 view > developed from the 36 scene of the Summer Resort. Its drawing is an important cultural project after Emperor Qianlong succeeded the throne. Naming, entering painting and drawing, printing and publishing of "Old Summer Palace Forty scene Chronicles" are all concerned by Emperor Qianlong, which embodies the important position of "Old Summer Palace Forty Landscape Pictures" in the great cause of Qianlong Emperor's culture. As a result of the need of politics and culture, not only did the painter draw a picture of Old Summer Palace garden, but also Qianlong emperor's close body ci minister copied the poems of imperial Old Summer Palace, and the court set off an upsurge of using poetry and painting to express Old Summer Palace. This article is divided into four chapters, starting from the "Old Summer Palace Forty scene", in the way of returning to the historical context, the drawing process, the influence of the DPRK, and the artistic characteristics are deeply analyzed. This paper probes into the relationship between "Old Summer Palace Forty Landscape" and "Summer Resort 36", the relationship between landscape painting and garden construction, and the interaction between emperors and ministers and common people embodied in the publication of Old Summer Palace's poems.


相关期刊论文 前8条

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5 路琰;;张永年 追讨历史的风华[J];环球人物;2006年19期

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相关会议论文 前4条

1 汪之力识;;圆明园四十景图咏[A];《圆明园》学刊第二期[C];1983年

2 张若霭;;圆明园四十景图、乾隆四十景诗词[A];《圆明园》学刊第五期[C];1992年

3 王n\华;;张若霭绘圆明园四十景图简介[A];《圆明园》学刊第五期[C];1992年

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1 丁燕;越洋觅国宝 图咏现名园[N];光明日报;2005年

2 记者 李松 见习记者 黄洁;圆明园四十景图不能随便卖[N];法制日报;2006年

3 郭京霞;“圆明园四十景图案”一审结案[N];中国知识产权报;2006年

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1 李雪;圆明之德—《圆明园四十景图》研究[D];中央美术学院;2014年

2 王裔婷;基于透视还原的圆明园四十景图造景设计研究[D];重庆大学;2011年




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