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发布时间:2018-08-07 15:21
【摘要】:《唐诗画谱》是由明黄凤池编辑,蔡冲寰、丁云鹏等于万历末年绘制的一部诗画合谱选本,全书共三卷,共收录唐人五、六、七言诗佳作各约50首,每首诗均由大家挥毫而就,除少数诗篇外,皆采用一图一诗的编排体例,成为梳理明代版刻文化变迁,研究画谱作品发展的宝贵资料。因此书选诗精当,画意突出,成书后影响颇大,流传甚广,曾引起不少人的关注和兴趣,也产生了许多与此相关的研究成果。学界目前对《唐诗画谱》的研究虽已取得了一定的成效,但研究点分布比较零散,总体说来,迄今为止的研究还不够全面深入,有些与《唐诗画谱》文本密切相关的问题尚未得到彻底的解决,如编选特色和选本价值等问题还需进行更加全面、深入的考察。 本论文是关于《唐诗画谱》的专题研究,将立足于前人研究成果的基础上,深入扩展,拟从以下四个方面展开论述:第一章探讨《唐诗画谱》的编定与流传,主要是对其编定背景、编选目的和版本流传等方面作一定的考察;第二章是对《唐诗画谱》编选特点的研究,主要从编选体例和选诗倾向等两个方面进行论述;第三章着重探究《唐诗画谱》对明代诗画谱的突破,通过对明代画谱的格局进行梳理并结合《诗余画谱》相比较,进一步阐析《唐诗画谱》在明中后期的新变。最后对《唐诗画谱》的选本价值与局限性作一个简单的归纳总结。
[Abstract]:The Tang Poetry Pictures, edited by Ming Huang Fengchi, Cai Chonghuan and Ding Yunpeng, are an anthology of poems and paintings drawn in the last year of the Wanli calendar. The book contains three volumes of about 50 poems each of the five, six, and seven characters of the Tang Dynasty, each of which is written by everyone. With the exception of a few poems, they all adopt the style of "one picture and one poem", and become valuable materials for combing the cultural changes of the Ming Dynasty edition and studying the development of the works of painting and writing. Therefore, the selection of poetry, painting meaning outstanding, after the book quite big influence, very widespread, has caused the attention and interest of many people, but also produced a lot of research results related to this. Although the academic circles have made some achievements in the study of Tang Poems and paintings, the distribution of the research points is scattered. In general, the research so far has not been thorough enough. Some problems which are closely related to the text of Tang poetry and painting have not yet been solved thoroughly, such as the features of the compilation and the value of the anthology, and so on, which need to be investigated more comprehensively and thoroughly. This thesis is about the special topic study of Tang poetry painting, which will be based on the previous research results, and will expand deeply, and will be discussed from the following four aspects: chapter one discusses the compilation and circulation of Tang Poetry Pictures. The second chapter is the study of the characteristics of the compilation of the Tang Poems and paintings, mainly from two aspects, such as the style of editing and the tendency of poetry selection. The third chapter focuses on exploring the breakthrough of Tang Dynasty's poetry and painting spectrum, combing the pattern of Ming Dynasty's painting spectrum and comparing it with the poem's remaining painting spectrum, and further analyzing the new changes of the Tang Dynasty's painting spectrum in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. At last, it summarizes the value and limitation of the anthology of Tang poetry and painting.


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