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发布时间:2018-08-07 20:25
[Abstract]:By studying the style features and the internal and external factors that affect the development of the Chinese story cartoons and other country's excellent story comic works, the paper hopes to sum up experience, use the appropriate story comic language and integrate into the local style, and have the choice of reference, and the personality charm of the Chinese story comics. The word "story comic" in this paper is based on some traditional classification methods and the classification of some comic websites today. It can also reflect the rich features and attraction of comics in telling stories. From the analysis of the characteristics of the two national story comics in the United States and Japan, the difference between the two shows the differences. If it is influenced by the national culture, such as the different values of the eastern and Western cultures in the comics, the superhero comics in the United States are more direct, and the Japanese comics will be euphemistic, all of which are presented through the transformation of the layout, the rendering of the environment and the characterization of the characters, and the different lines. They have different emotions, mainly depending on the situation. These connections determine that if our simple imitation can only be on the surface forever, among the characters in some Japanese comics, those personalities are very popular, and these features often have a permanent impression of national culture, more or less. The character and interest of some ethnic groups are not fabricated. If they are to describe a similar person for the sake of popularity, it is not vivid enough. So if you want to break through, you need to make a real self and less imitation. In addition to the different glamour to the story comics, the story comic can also reflect the creator. The author's personality has an important influence on the quality and innovation of his works. This personality has provided the impetus to the development of the variety of the story comics. In the following paper, the author thinks and puts forward some suggestions on the development of the story comics. The Chinese story caricatures of the soil are more of the style of Japanese comics. This fusion has its natural reasons and needs to discover its own characteristics. In addition to learning the excellent side of each other, we should also learn from the experience of learning from other cultures in the innovation of our own culture. The analysis of the internal and external factors of the development of painting to understand the current situation of the development of Chinese story Comics: the Chinese original cartoon website began to increase in the early twenty-first Century. The Internet makes the comic circulation more convenient but also the comic market is mixed, and the style of painting is based on Japanese style. The creation of personality comics, through the appreciation of excellent Chinese traditional comic art language, to taste the charm of our own culture and to find lessons for contemporary story comic creation, such as the inheritance of traditional Chinese painting, from literary works to find inspiration, and rich ways of expression and folklore content, and so on. The national aesthetic view and value concept in the series of comic books should also remind us that we should distinguish between non black and white, art pursuit of truth, good and beauty, which is a criterion. So it can be seen that the story comics in our country have rich resources as the motive force of exploring the road. Human being is the content of the story. There are many excellent comic writers in contemporary China. Many of them are devoted to the creation of their own style of work. No matter which way, do not forget to be faithful to the heart and life, it is possible to give the life of the story manga.


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1 仙子;故事漫画的魅力及中国故事漫画的潜力研究[D];沈阳建筑大学;2014年




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