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发布时间:2018-08-07 20:44
【摘要】:沈周为明四家之首,粗笔山水是他艺术成就最为突出的,中晚年之后的绘画作品中体现地更为明显。他晚年痴迷于“佛”、“道”,在绘画作品中强调自我性情的表现。沈周中晚期的绘画作品中画面显示出“粗沈”的特征,相比早期的“细沈”,,更为率意、感人。这也正是我对沈周粗笔山水的兴趣所在。 中国传统绘画的用笔方式是源远流长的,从唐、宋、元、明、清到近代一直保持着继承和发展的过程。不管是唐代用笔特点“富丽堂皇”,还是宋代以“制作、宏伟、严肃”的宫廷画也好,还是元代的抒情写意,明清的四王的程式化,都经历了用笔方式的转变和突破。从元代开始出现抒情写意的高峰,可以说是一次巨大的变革。人们开始用笔以豪气写画,沈周就晚年的绘画作品就是深受元代绘画思想的影响,同时这点对于当代山水画的发展有着积极的意义。 本文主要以沈周的以下五方面进行论述1、个人师承关系2、以《沧州趣图卷》、《吴门十二景图册》为例分析粗笔山水的艺术特色3、粗沈风格特点的成因4、粗沈的艺术价值和意义5、粗沈风格特点形成的必然性。从而进一步论证粗沈风格特点形成的必然性,以及对当代山水画发展的重要作用和现实意义。
[Abstract]:Shen Zhou is the head of the four schools of Ming Dynasty, and his artistic achievements are the most prominent, especially in his paintings after his middle and late years. In his later years, he became obsessed with Buddha and Tao, emphasizing self-disposition in his paintings. The paintings in the middle and late period of Shen Zhou show the feature of coarse Shen, which is more frequent and touching than the early fine Shen. This is also my interest in Shen Zhou's thick pen landscape. The traditional Chinese painting has a long history, from Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasty to modern times has maintained the process of inheritance and development. The stylized style of the four kings of Ming and Qing dynasties, whether it is "magnificent and magnificent" in Tang Dynasty, or "making, grand, serious" court painting in Song Dynasty, or the lyric brushwork of Yuan Dynasty, has experienced the transformation and breakthrough of the style of writing. The peak of lyrical freehand brushwork appeared in Yuan Dynasty, which can be said to be a great change. People began to use pen to write paintings, Shen Zhou in his later years of painting is deeply influenced by the Yuan Dynasty painting thought, at the same time, this point for the development of contemporary landscape painting has a positive significance. This paper mainly discusses the following five aspects of Shen Zhou: 1. The relationship between individual teachers and teachers. 2. Taking the interesting Picture of Cangzhou and the Library of the Twelve scenery of Wu Men as an example to analyze the artistic characteristics of the rough brush landscape 3, the cause of formation of the coarse Shen style, and the art of coarse Shen. Value and significance 5, coarse Shen style characteristics of the formation of inevitability. Thus further demonstrates the necessity of the formation of coarse Shen style, as well as the important role and practical significance of the development of contemporary landscape painting.


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1 吴敢;沈周简论[J];浙江社会科学;1999年05期




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