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发布时间:2018-08-07 21:23
[Abstract]:In the creation of commercial animation, it is the key to the success or failure of the work whether or not it is like a real human idol, and it also directly affects the development of derivative products downstream. I choose the image of animation idol as the research object, try to define its concept, combined with the background of the relevant times to analyze its causes, and its development process is described and summarized, analysis of animation image creation in the content, form, group, The characteristics of culture, industry and the main defects at present, and the case analysis of typical works. Finally, the prospect of idolization of Chinese animation image is prospected. Based on the theories of politics, communication, psychology and so on, the thesis makes a comprehensive analysis and research on the idolization of animation image, and tries to find out a way to develop the idolization of animation in accordance with the national conditions of China. With a view to the development of animation industry in China has a positive impact.


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