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发布时间:2018-08-08 11:02
[Abstract]:Throughout the history of art and painting, daily objects as the subject of creation works are common, and with the development of science and technology, the progress of industrialization has made the manufacture of daily supplies into a highly homogeneous, mass era. Through the study of the art works around the daily objects since the emergence of modern art, this paper regards the daily objects as the symbol of artistic creation. I selected several representative artists and their respective works to analyze and explore the background of the era of large-scale industrial production. The artist's attitude to the prevalence of everyday consumerism and the form of artistic creation. In the above research, the author's creative ideas are deeply influenced by Wayne Tiber. Through the combination of the research and personal growth experience, I think about the role and impact of daily things on my position. To explore the form and significance of daily objects painting on the shelf, hoping to form its own unique painting language. Creation focuses on everyday objects that are used in personal life, to establish personal relationships, and through the weakening of space, to explore and express the bidirectional influence of subservience between objects and human beings: consumers choose objects at the same time, Goods also participate in the construction of consumer life, social role and even help to establish self-identity, personal experience and consumer goods have become inextricably linked. In my creative research, everyday objects are placed in plane space in various forms, the atmosphere of light and shadow is dispelled to create the atmosphere of the picture, and objects closely related to individuals are "displayed" in close calm visual language. To construct the material aspect of personal life, analyze the forming branch of self consciousness, and explore the new form of painting on the shelf with the theme of daily things.


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