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发布时间:2018-08-08 11:58
【摘要】:西方绘画早期以宗教题材为主,基督教中的上帝是光明的代表,撒旦被视为黑暗的代名词。光在这个世界中一直起着重要位置,经过光的照射和滋养,它能够使一切大自然的生物赋予生命。“光”在传统的写实绘画中得到运用,当时为了阶级服务,而当时最盛行的是宗教艺术的绘画,基督教和天主教的思想和观念对油画的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。风景画逐步从人物画的背景中分离出来,形成了独特一门艺术,但是光在风景油画中起的作用还是相当重要的,光的表现形式不同,作品的风格和气氛就完全不同,风景油画中各式各样的表现形式在不同时期都有其自身的特点,这些用光的特点随着历史的发展已有几百年的历史。 不同时期的艺术家对光的运用也不尽相同,每个时期光也有许多问题要解决,了解不同艺术家对光的处理方法,这些包括古典油画用光技法,利用光学原理进行表现画面的主题,同时,与当代风景油画相结合,运用到风景创作中去,从而为他人与自己提供有益的实践经验。
[Abstract]:In the early Western painting, religion was the main theme. In Christianity, God was the representative of light. Satan was regarded as the synonym of darkness. Light has always played an important role in this world. Through the light irradiation and nourishment, it can give life to all nature creatures. "Light" was used in the traditional realistic painting, serving the class at that time, but the painting of religious art was the most popular at that time. The thoughts and ideas of Christianity and Catholicism played a great role in promoting the development of oil painting. Landscape painting is gradually separated from the background of figure painting, forming a unique art, but the role of light in landscape painting is still quite important. The style and atmosphere of the works are completely different with the different forms of expression of light. The various forms of expression in landscape oil painting have their own characteristics in different periods. These characteristics of using light have a history of hundreds of years with the development of history. The use of light by artists in different periods is also different. Light also has many problems to be solved in each period. Understand the methods used by different artists to deal with light. These include the techniques of light used in classical oil paintings. At the same time, combining with contemporary landscape oil painting, it can be applied to landscape creation so as to provide useful practical experience for others and themselves.


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