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发布时间:2018-08-09 16:15
【摘要】:在近代中国书画史上,齐白石是当之无愧的一代宗师。他一生热爱绘画,在其众多绘画作品中,草虫画在题材和画法上,独具一格,享誉当代。其作品构图精准,布局恰当,画面清新,粗中有细,静中有动,形神兼备,可谓独步天下。 本文从齐白石草虫画的发展历程入手,,探索齐白石草虫画的不同时期的风格特点;通过对其草虫画的系统研究,揭示出齐白石草虫画在题材、内容和艺术风格等方面的特色与创新;并首次从“信、达、雅”三原则的角度对齐白石大师草虫画的创作之路进行了分析。主要结果如下: 1、对齐白石草虫画发展历程进行了分析归纳,将其划分为三个阶段:起步阶段1882年---1901年前后㖞、发展阶段1902年---1923年前后㖞和鼎盛阶段1924年---1946年前后㖞。明确了齐白石草虫画发展历程中不同阶段的风格特点。 2、研究了齐白石草虫画在题材、内容和艺术风格等方面的特色与创新。题材上的风格特点主要表现为:兼容并蓄,广纳博收;不拘一格,组合多样;内容上的风格特点主要表现为:贴近生活,关爱生命;健康活泼,积极向上;追求真、善、美;艺术上的风格特点主要表现为:简约多样,凸显草虫;纯朴简练,自由酣畅;兼工带写,灵活多样;妙在似与不似之间。 3、首次从“信、达、雅”三原则的角度对齐白石大师草虫画的创作之路进行了分析。
[Abstract]:In the history of modern Chinese calligraphy and painting, Qi Baishi is a worthy master of a generation. He loved painting all his life. Among his many paintings, grass worm painting is unique in subject matter and painting method. Its composition is accurate, the layout is appropriate, the picture is fresh, coarse in fine, still in moving, both shape and spirit, it can be described as the only step in the world. This article starts with the development course of Qi Baishi grass insect painting, explores the style characteristics of Qi Baishi grass insect painting in different periods, and reveals the theme of Qi Baishi grass insect painting through the systematic study of its grass insect painting. The content and artistic style, etc., and for the first time analyzes the way of the creation of Master Qi Baishi's grass insect painting from the three principles of "letter, Da, elegance". The main results are as follows: 1. The development process of Qi Baishi's grass insect painting is analyzed and summarized, and it is divided into three stages: the initial stage, about 1882-1901, the development stage, the period from 1902 to 1923? And heyday? 1924-about 1946. This paper clarifies the style characteristics of different stages in the development of Qi Baishi grass insect painting. 2. The characteristics and innovation of Qi Baishi grass insect painting in subject matter, content and artistic style are studied. The main features of the theme style are as follows: inclusive, unrestrained, diverse combination, style characteristics of the content are: close to life, care for life, health, lively, positive, pursuit of truth, goodness, beauty; The characteristics of artistic style are as follows: simple and diverse, highlighting grass worms; simple and concise, free and sound; flexible and diverse; wonderful between likeness and unlikeness. 3, the first time from "believe, reach," From the angle of "three principles", the author analyzes the way of the creation of Master Qi Baishi's painting of grass and insect.


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