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发布时间:2018-08-09 17:19
【摘要】:在中国绘画史上有浙江、八大山人、石溪、石涛四位皆为僧人的画坛具匠,并且在中国美术史上获得了应有的荣誉和地位。然而,邢文先生力主的清初画坛“五僧”之说也颇有道理。因为在清初时期还有一个僧人给我们留下了艺术珍宝,他就是高远淡泊、超然洒脱的担当和尚。邢文先生评论担当与石溪、石涛的绘画风格指出:他们三位僧人的山水都体现着纵放笔致。担当,禅心冰骨;石溪,乱头粗服;石涛,恶墨柔痕。担当的山水之冷、逸,则是无可比拟的。在评论担当与他们的不同之处时指出:渐江冷而静,担当冷而动;八大冷而恨,担当冷而逸;石溪乱而重,担当乱而轻;石涛乱而繁,担当乱而简。从邢文先生的评论中可以看出担当大师留给我们的绝不是他个人的遗产,而是整个人类社会的文化遗产,这是需要我们深入研究的。而本文则是从担当的“简”笔山水画方面进行研究和拓展,进而将担当的意境、画境融为一体的艺术特点和空灵清简的艺术风格进行深入研究。 文章主要以担当“简”笔山水画形成的原因、演变,以及对中国绘画的影响这一脉络为主线索。讲述担当生平及其“简”笔山水画形成的原因,分析他山水画中“简”的运用和体现,对担当的“简”笔山水画这一画种进行了深入剖析。以及其山水绘画中的“简”的艺术特点及其影响的描述和对我们当代山水画的意义和启示等方面进行深入阐述,并揭示了它对当代中国绘画创作的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In the history of Chinese painting, Zhejiang, eight mountain people, Shixi, Shi Tao are all monks in the world of painting craftsmen, and in the history of Chinese art has gained its due honor and status. However, Xingwen's theory of "five monks" in the early Qing Dynasty is quite reasonable. Because in the early Qing Dynasty there was a monk who left us a treasure of art. He was a aloft, aloft monk. Xingwen comments on Shixi, Shi Tao's painting style: their three monks landscape reflects the vertical pen. Bear, Zen heart ice bone; Shixi, rough head; Shi Tao, evil ink soft marks. The cold of the mountains and rivers, ease, is unparalleled. In commenting on their differences, he points out that the river is cold and quiet, cold and moving; the eight great cold and hate bear cold and easy; the stone stream is messy and heavy, and it is messy and light; the stone waves are chaotic and complex, and bear chaos and simplicity. From the comments of Mr. Xing Wen, we can see that the master of responsibility is not his personal heritage, but the cultural heritage of the whole human society, which needs our in-depth study. And this article is from the "simple" pen landscape painting research and development, and then will play the artistic conception, the artistic features of the integration of the painting and the artistic style of the Qing Dynasty to carry out in-depth research. The main clue of this article is the origin, evolution and influence on Chinese painting. This paper narrates his life and the reasons for the formation of his pen and landscape painting, analyzes on the application and embodiment of "Jane" in his landscape painting, and makes an in-depth analysis of the painting type of "simple" pen and landscape painting. The artistic characteristics and influence of "Jane" in its landscape painting are described, and the significance and enlightenment of our contemporary landscape painting are expounded, and its practical significance to contemporary Chinese painting is revealed.


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