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发布时间:2018-08-09 19:18
【摘要】:学习艺术要溯本究源,从前人的典籍中汲取适合自己的营养。本文针对古典油画艺术的学习,从英国皇家美术学院的首任院长乔舒亚·雷诺兹于1769年至1790年间陆续在英国皇家美术学院发表的十五次演讲中,试图提炼出适宜今天艺术学习的理论方法指导。 论文简单地介绍了雷诺兹其人所处的时代背景,艺术经历以及简要分析了《皇家美术学院十五讲》中引人注意的雷诺兹的矛盾观点之后,着重列举、分类并详细解析了这十五篇演讲中的一些主要的艺术学习的方法。 论文的最后章节根据列举出的艺术学习方法为目标,结合了作者自身的艺术实践,通过准备多幅素描和色彩小稿以及最终完成的油画创作,来达到学习目的。作者以亲身感受从雷诺兹总结的艺术学习方法对今天艺术学习的启示,来力图证明雷诺兹主张的艺术学习方法虽是数百年前对于艺术学习的指导与艺术本源的探究,但是对于现今古典油画的学习依旧具有的学习价值与指导意义。
[Abstract]:The study of art should be traced back to the origin of the past people's classics to learn from their own nutrition. This article aims at the study of classical oil painting art, from the first dean of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Joshua Reynolds, who delivered 15 speeches at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts from 1769 to 1790. Try to refine the theory and method guidance suitable for today's art study. This paper briefly introduces the background of Reynolds's time, his artistic experience and his contradictory viewpoints in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Some of the major art learning methods in these 15 lectures are classified and analyzed in detail. The last chapter of the paper is based on the listed art learning methods, combined with the author's own art practice, through the preparation of many sketches and color sketches, as well as the final completed oil painting to achieve the purpose of learning. The author tries to prove that the art learning method advocated by Reynolds is the guide and the exploration of the origin of art learning hundreds of years ago, with the inspiration of the art learning method summarized from Reynolds. The author tries to prove that the art learning method advocated by Reynolds is the guidance of art learning and the exploration of the origin of art. However, the study of classical oil painting still has the value and guiding significance.


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