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发布时间:2018-08-10 17:14
【摘要】:对于有着五千多年文明史的中国来说,,“以史为鉴”是我们任何时期都不能忽略的行事方法。由此,在中国现当代美术领域展开对新中国成立以来的近代历史题材绘画的研究,就显得尤其必要,对当代的历史题材绘画产生承上启下的指导意义。 本文以新中国成立至今这段时间中的近代历史题材绘画为研究对象,首先梳理了近代历史题材绘画的发展历程,主要分三个阶段:从新中国成立(1949年)到文革之前(1966年)的历史题材绘画、文化大革命时期的历史绘画题材、文革之后改革开放以来的历史绘画题材。之后从历史画的创作背景、政治意义和社会功能等角度出发,探讨了中国近代历史题材绘画在社会发展中所起的作用与承担的责任。并从艺术史的角度分析近代历史画所具有的艺术性表现,以及在当下新的绘画环境中,重新考虑历史画的存在因素和社会意义,思考历史画应该如何发展。最后,本文结合笔者的自身绘画实践,对新时期历史画艺术语言的拓展作出了自己的思考。
[Abstract]:For China with more than five thousand years of civilization, learning from history is a method we can't ignore at any time. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to carry out the research on modern historical painting since the founding of New China in the field of modern and contemporary Chinese art, which is of guiding significance to contemporary painting of historical subjects. This article regards the modern historical painting in the period of the founding of New China as the research object, firstly combing the development course of the modern historical theme painting. It is divided into three stages: from the founding of New China (1949) to the historical painting before the Cultural Revolution (1966), the historical painting theme of the Cultural Revolution period, and the historical painting theme since the reform and opening up after the Cultural Revolution. From the perspective of historical painting background, political significance and social function, this paper discusses the role and responsibility of Chinese modern historical painting in social development. From the point of view of art history, this paper analyzes the artistic expression of modern historical painting, and in the present new painting environment, reconsiders the existing factors and social significance of historical painting, and thinks about how historical painting should develop. Finally, based on the author's own painting practice, the author makes his own thinking on the development of the artistic language of historical painting in the new period.


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