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发布时间:2018-08-10 18:22
[Abstract]:As a model of Taoist art in Yuan Dynasty, Yongle Palace art has attracted worldwide attention, but the deeds of Pan Dechong, the architect of Yongle Palace, are rarely mentioned. As one of the eighteen disciples who followed Qiu's westward journey to see Genghis Khan, Pan Dechong held a high prestige among the Quan Zhen congregation in the Yuan Dynasty, having served as the Yenching du DaoLu for many years. After that, he was sent to Yongle to build the Great Chun Yang Lifetime Palace (that is, Yongle Palace). The construction of Yongle Palace condensed Pan Dechong's lifelong efforts. Unscrambling the layout of Yongle Palace architecture and murals, we can not only penetrate into the close relationship between ancient architecture and murals, but also peek at the artistic concept of Quanzhen religion in Yuan Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 中央美术学院造型艺术研究所;


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3 罗秀梅;永不褪色的记忆[N];山西日报;2005年




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