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发布时间:2018-08-10 20:05
[Abstract]:The twentieth century is an era in which traditional Chinese painting has been forced to transform. In the context of cultural exchanges between China and the West, a wave of "westerly eastward" has brought western realistic art into the Chinese painting world. This not only changed the development path of Chinese painting, but also affected the aesthetic interest and artistic expression of traditional Chinese painting to a certain extent. In the process of the Cultural Revolution, the introduction of light, shadow, volume and other important elements in the context of Western "realism" has made Chinese painting lose its poetic transcendence to a certain extent. In addition, the influence of thematic painting under the special historical conditions of the Cultural Revolution, "realism" on Chinese painting is inconsistent. The elements of realism have a great influence on Chinese fine brush painting, especially on contemporary Chinese fine brush painting, which impels the transformation from contemporary fine brush painting to modernity. First, from imagery to realistic use of color: a scientific and complete theoretical system based on the relationship between color and light source, breaking the limitations of traditional fine brush painting on color, using the psychological effects of color to express the emotions of the screen, flat color into space color, for the gradual loneliness of fine brush painting to provide a very rich. The second is the transformation from program to sketch: objectively and thoroughly expressing the object from a scientific point of view, and developing a set of scientific realism system with both perspective and anatomy, paying attention to sketch, using lines from stylization to realism, lines attached to body expression, and personalized modeling to convey the painter's personal feelings. And aesthetic interest, for Chinese painters to get rid of the traditional stylized modeling to provide the best reference; Third, the composition from relatively simple stylization to rich diversity, the introduction of focus perspective method to Contemporary Meticulous figure painting, showing a refreshing look; Fourth, from the birth to the WTO performance of the content, began to face reality. Humanity and human feelings, facing the real social reality, and expressing the close observation and daily feeling around him, this paper expounds how the author uses the tolerant and modest cultural attitude to take the initiative to absorb the visual formula, effectively "reshape" the eastern and Western artistic resources, so as to carry out the contemporary fine brush painting art creation with new schematic experience.


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