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发布时间:2018-08-11 21:39
【摘要】:明清书籍插图是中国古代插图史中最辉煌的一部分,在书籍大量印刷出版的明清时代,优秀的插图无疑能为书籍的内容增添更大的可读性与艺术价值。而其中一些版刻艺术家绘制的经典女性形象,,更是犹如古代插图史中琳琅满目的璀璨明珠,非常值得我们去探究研讨,品之精髓,得其传承。 本文通过对我国古代书籍插图发展历程、传播方式、艺术表现形式的演变及其流派的浅析,结合书籍插图发展的巅峰时期——明清两朝版刻艺术的表现手法、插图人物的形貌特征以及人物身份、社会背景等更深层次的学习研究,以明清版刻插图艺术中的女性形象为主,辅以前朝后代美术作品中的女性形象、风格手笔相为比较,从中更深入地探析明清插图中相同或相异的女性艺术形象,兼之为当下的艺术形象塑造研究提供一定的帮助与参考。 同时本文以时间为轴,从早期绘画中的女性形象述至唐侍女、元戏本、明清小说中的女性形象塑造,横向结合其时代社会礼制、审美风气的影响,纵向联系明清版刻插图艺术的兴起与衰落的历史脉络,缕清关于众多女性形象的形成原因。 本文将结合诸多文献、图片及历史资料,探寻明清版刻插图这一艺术中潜藏的研究价值,同时将明清版刻插图艺术中女性形象的塑造抽出专门研讨,为现今造型艺术的创作或相关理论研究提供一些借鉴和思考的资料。
[Abstract]:The illustrations of books in Ming and Qing dynasties are the most brilliant part in the history of ancient Chinese illustrations. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, when books were printed and published in large quantities, excellent illustrations could undoubtedly add greater readability and artistic value to the contents of books. Some of the classic female images drawn by the engraving artists are just like the dazzling pearl in the history of ancient illustrations. It is worth exploring the essence of the article and inheriting it. In this paper, the author analyzes the evolution of ancient book illustrations in China, the way of communication, the evolution of artistic expression forms and their schools, combining with the expression of the art of engraving in Ming and Qing dynasties, the peak period of the development of book illustrations. Illustrations of the appearance of characters and the identity of characters, social background and other deeper levels of study, with the Ming and Qing Dynasty version of the art of engraving illustrations of the female image, supplemented by the previous generation of art works of women, style and brush for comparison, From it, the author analyzes the same or different female artistic images in the illustrations of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and provides some help and reference for the study of the contemporary artistic images. At the same time, on the axis of time, from the female images in the early painting to the Tang maid, Yuan opera, the Ming and Qing novels, the creation of female images, the horizontal combination of its era of social etiquette, aesthetic influence. The historical context of the rise and decline of the art of engraving illustrations in the Ming and Qing dynasties is vertically linked to the causes of the formation of numerous female images in the Qing Dynasty. This article will combine many documents, pictures and historical materials to explore the hidden research value in the art of the Ming and Qing Dynasty edition engraving illustrations, and at the same time, draw out the special research on the creation of the female image in the Ming and Qing Dynasty edition engraving illustrations art. To provide some reference and thinking materials for the creation of plastic arts or related theoretical research.


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2 姜夏旺;;明清小说插图艺术特征浅析[J];贵州大学学报(艺术版);2006年04期

3 邹满星;;“以丰腴为美”的唐代仕女画[J];唐都学刊;2008年02期

4 赵达雄;;中国古籍插图研究(上)[J];图书馆杂志;2000年03期

5 赵达雄;;中国古籍插图研究(下)[J];图书馆杂志;2000年04期

6 王一潮;;从意象思维透析陈洪绶人物绘画造型的写意性[J];天水师范学院学报;2007年01期




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