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发布时间:2018-08-12 09:52
【摘要】:女性艺术家们创造艺术时喜欢遵循内心,看中个人体验,常常避宏大叙事,隐藏男性世界,着重于艺术的感性特征,善于自我语言的虚构,注重自觉、官能的呈现,与生俱来的细腻、敏感、天真都让她们具备了作为艺术家的先天优势。对于一名社会女性来说,人格的独立能使她们坚强的处事,加深对自我的关注,女性艺术家们独立的精神指向使她们在创作过程中创立一套独特的女性表达与视角体验,即对事物敏感的捕捉能力和对细节表现能力,也是一种有别于男性艺术家的表达方式,作品出现了画面中以一个“微场景”来呈现的现象,在这里,“微”所指涉的是个人叙事和个性化视角,也指艺术语言的微妙,“场景”则是女性隐秘的内心角落的外在物化。本文的“微场景”正是借用影视中“小场景”的概念,如同影视中作品的小景别的近景和特写,“近取其神,近取其质”,因为视角窄,取景近,从而有强化局部特征,放大精微的意味,并有隐秘性特点。“微场景”有别于其他的表述经验,她以更个人化及私密化的视角,来触动女性身份中最本质的东西。“微场景”首先对生存环境的关注,然后是对微观世界的关注,再有就是对女性自我感性思维的一种艺术化的表达。 本文以女性的自我为切入点,通过中国当代女性艺术家自然秉赋和个性视角去建构她们作品中的“微场景”,这也是女性与男性在艺术上所感知的不同领域。文章内容从三个部分,以逐步深入的方法不断地推进:一、从两性不同的生理构造带来的异样生命经历;导致两性在同样的生活过程中形成不同的关注点。从两性再到人性和精神的探讨。二、在以上前提下,女性艺术家在表达内容上形成了自我、“微场景”的特点。以当下有个人性和人文内质的女性艺术作品个案为例,多角度剖析他们的风格特点,比进行分析比较,探寻女性特有的细腻和含蓄以及作品呈现的女性丰富的情感和精神。三、中国当代女性艺术坚定地守护着女性的身份与视角,但却逐渐告别封闭倾向,而代之更深入女新精神世界自省、清醒探求和积极拓展,就中发掘女性自立于社会的深层奥秘,以及两性之间互依互补的对话关系,从而开辟自身创作的新局面,敞开女性特有的灵魂诗性,以此来力证真正的女性的力量正是来自对女性自我的探究,从而拓展当代艺术的多元化视角。
[Abstract]:When creating art, women artists like to follow their hearts, look at their personal experiences, often avoid grand narratives, hide the male world, focus on the perceptual characteristics of art, be good at making up their own language, and pay attention to the appearance of consciousness and functionalism. Their innate delicacy, sensitivity and innocence have given them the innate advantage of being an artist. For a social woman, the independence of personality can make them strong, deepen their concern for themselves, and the independent spirit of female artists enables them to create a unique set of female expression and perspective experience in the process of creation. That is, the ability to capture things sensitive to things and the ability to express details, is also a form of expression different from that of male artists, and the work appears as a "microscene" phenomenon in the picture, here, "Micro" refers to personal narration and individualized perspective, but also refers to the subtlety of artistic language. "scene" is the external materialization of the female's hidden inner corner. The concept of "small scene" in this paper is borrowed from the concept of "small scene" in the film and television, just like the other close-shot and close-up of the film and television works, "near to the god, near to the quality", because the angle of view is narrow, the scene is close, thus has the enhanced local characteristic. Magnify the meaning of subtle, and have the characteristic of secrecy. Unlike other expressions, microscenes touch the most essential aspects of female identity from a more personal and intimate perspective. "Micro-scene" first pays attention to the living environment, then to the microcosm, and then to a kind of artistic expression of the female's perceptual thinking. This article takes the female ego as the breakthrough point, constructs the "micro-scene" in their works through the Chinese contemporary female artist's natural gift and the individuality angle, which is also the different field which the female and the male perceive in the art. The content of this paper is carried out in three parts: first, the different life experiences brought about by the different physiological structures of the two sexes, which lead to different attention points in the same life process. From the two sexes to the discussion of human nature and spirit. Second, under the above premise, female artists form self-expression content, "micro-scene" characteristics. Taking the case of female art works with individual nature and humanistic essence as an example, this paper analyzes their style characteristics from various angles, and compares them with the analysis and comparison to explore the female's unique delicacy and implicature, as well as the rich emotion and spirit of the women presented in the works. Third, Chinese contemporary female art firmly guard the identity and perspective of women, but gradually bid farewell to the closed trend, and replace it with a deeper introspection of the new spiritual world of women, sober exploration and positive expansion. In order to explore the deep mystery of women's independence in society, as well as the dialogue between the two sexes, so as to open up a new situation of their own creation and open up the unique poetic spirit of women. In this way, we can prove that the real female power comes from the exploration of the female self, so as to expand the pluralistic perspective of contemporary art.


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