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发布时间:2018-08-12 11:45
[Abstract]:The innovation of positive art can not be separated from specialty, and integration is the most important. Su Dongpo has long said: "the matter is a reason, through its meaning is not appropriate and can not." Division and medicine, the decline of medicine, color and painting, painting is crude. The book of the world is not also a scribe, the line is not grass, almost fail to pass its meaning is also. " This paragraph of discussion on Cai Xiang's "flying white" tells a profound truth, that is, too specialized, bound to limit development, artistic innovation, can not be separated, sometimes in the cross-border mutual learning. Sun Weiguo of the Jilin Province Art Association is a person who is good at advancing through and learning from each other.
【作者单位】: 中央美术学院;


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