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发布时间:2018-08-13 08:33
【摘要】:在国家对非物质文化遗产活态传承的极大重视和扶持背景下,武强县实施了“文化大县”和“文化产业”的发展战略。本文立足于对武强年画打造“文化品牌”策略,针对其视觉语言再设计做出深度的研究。通过对武强年画相关资料的整理,界定衍生品与产品、再创作与再设计的概念,由此确定研究的范围是在与武强年画衍生品相关的视觉语言再设计上。同时通过实地调研,对武强年画视觉语言再设计的市场现状进行分析,提出了视觉语言创新该遵循的原则与具体的可操作性策略。 论文主要内容包括以下五个部分: 第一部分是研究背景与范围;回顾了国内外相关的研究状况;阐明了本研究的价值意义;并介绍了所用的研究方法;最后提出了本文的创新点。 第二部分基于大量的参考文献,从武强年画视觉语言“形式与风格”和及“吉祥文化”两方面分析,同时横向维度与杨柳青、杨家埠、桃花坞和绵竹年画的视觉语言进行比较,从而总结出武强年画视觉语言的特点。 第三部分通过实地调研,全面性地分析武强年画视觉语言再设计的市场现状与目前存在的问题,提出武强年画视觉语言再设计的必要性和价值所在。 第四部分针对实际情况,提出了武强年画视觉语言再设计的具体策略。同时,笔者以自己对武强年画视觉语言再设计的理解,将武强传统精品年画《三鱼争月》进行一系列探索性设计。 第五部分为结论,提出对武强年画视觉语言再设计的展望,并指出了本论文在研究上的不足之处。
[Abstract]:Wuqiang County has implemented the development strategy of "cultural county" and "cultural industry" under the background that the state attaches great importance to and supports the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. This paper defines the concepts of derivatives and products, recreation and redesign, and then defines the scope of the study as the redesign of visual language related to the derivatives of Wuqiang New Year pictures. At the same time, through field research, it analyzes the current market situation of visual language redesign of Wuqiang New Year pictures, and puts forward the principles and tools that visual language innovation should follow. The operable strategy of the body.
The main contents of the thesis include the following five parts.
The first part is the research background and scope; reviews the relevant research situation at home and abroad; clarifies the value of this study; introduces the research methods used; finally puts forward the innovation of this paper.
The second part based on a large number of references, from the visual language of Wuqiang New Year pictures "form and style" and "auspicious culture" two aspects of analysis, while horizontal dimension and Yang Liuqing, Yang Jiabu, Taohuawu and Mianzhu New Year pictures visual language comparison, thus summed up the characteristics of Wuqiang New Year pictures visual language.
The third part, through field investigation, comprehensively analyzes the present situation and existing problems of visual language redesign of Wuqiang New Year pictures, and puts forward the necessity and value of visual language redesign of Wuqiang New Year pictures.
In the fourth part, according to the actual situation, the author puts forward the specific strategy of redesigning the visual language of Wuqiang New Year's Painting.
The fifth part is the conclusion, and puts forward the prospect of redesigning the visual language of Wuqiang New Year pictures, and points out the shortcomings of this paper.


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