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发布时间:2018-08-13 08:55
[Abstract]:Today, if not the worst, it should be the best. With the rapid development of science and technology, the great fusion of culture, the progress of human thought and the collision of eastern and western cultures, many excellent things have come out. Well, the ancient and traditional art types of Chinese painting are facing many challenges. This not only requires our young people to draw nutrients from their forefathers and teachers, but also to inherit noble art styles. We need to find the way to the future in the process of innovation. Therefore, the best way is to find the root from the traditional Chinese philosophy and aesthetics. I found a pure land from Zen culture, combined with my own learning experience and artistic understanding, mixed the aesthetic thoughts of Zen with the art of dreams, and tried to find a way out of my own art. To be sure, we should not only learn from history, but also grasp the present. So, without a cold bone, how to get plum fragrance. The journey is long, I will not stop pursuing it.


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1 李迎春;;路漫漫其修远兮[J];朔方;1993年12期

2 刘昆;;记1976年在溧水县与“四人帮”势力斗争的几个片段[J];钟山风雨;2010年04期

3 龚维英;;《离骚》“路漫漫其修远兮”解[J];社会科学辑刊;1988年03期

4 云芳;路漫漫其修远兮[J];国际人才交流;1995年01期

5 陈绍进;;校长寄语[J];语文世界(中学生之窗);2013年06期

6 孙鹤;书法[J];周口师专学报;1996年S1期

7 李鹤;路漫漫其修远兮——我的学琴之路[J];乐器;2004年11期

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1 本报评论员 吴铭;伊拉克乱局路漫漫其修远兮[N];21世纪经济报道;2014年

2 本报记者 尹婷婷 王鑫;转型大业 路漫漫其修远兮[N];成都日报;2013年

3 文伟;网路漫漫其修远兮[N];中国贸易报;2000年

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2 盖莉莉;梦境超离与现实景映:谈我的创作实践[D];吉林艺术学院;2017年




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