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发布时间:2018-08-13 13:29
【摘要】:“临摹”一词并非现代人的独创。在南齐谢赫的六法论中就已提出了“传移模写”,,并把它上升到学习中国绘画的一“法”的高度,当然我们现在所说的临摹并不能把“传移模写”的词义全部涵盖,但没有疑问的是“临摹”确是这一词的重要组成部分。六法论最初提出是用来品评人物画的,但后来的事实证明它适合于中国画的各个画科。 当前山水画临摹在艺术院校中的地位日趋尴尬,多数学生认为传统山水画的笔墨、图示是旧的,不能满足于现代人审美的多层次需求。笔者认为学院学习应从具有普遍规律的优秀典范中学习研究,经典的意义在于树立“标杆”。经典也并非是古人自封的,是后代人在总结的过程中认识到前代人有优秀的、宝贵的经验,是具有普遍意义的,临摹经典的过程就是提升自我的过程。醉心于现代山水画图示的拼凑并不能从根本上解决创作所出现的问题,那么临摹的意义便凸显出来(笔者并非唯临摹论,旨在说明这是学习过程中不可或缺的步骤)。
[Abstract]:The word "copy" is not the originality of modern people. In his six-method theory of the Southern Qi Dynasty, he has put forward the idea of "passing and shifting the mode of writing" and raised it to the height of a "law" of learning Chinese painting. Of course, the copying we are talking about now cannot fully cover the meaning of the word "passing and shifting the pattern to write." But there is no doubt that copying is an important part of the word. The six-method theory was originally put forward to evaluate figure painting, but it has been proved to be suitable for each painting subject of Chinese painting. At present, the position of landscape painting copying in art colleges is becoming more and more awkward. Most students think that traditional landscape painting strokes and ink are old and can not meet the multi-level needs of modern aesthetics. The author thinks that college learning should be studied from excellent models with universal laws, and the significance of classics lies in setting up "benchmarking". The classic is not self-styled by the ancients, it is the process of promoting oneself in the process of recognizing that the former generation has excellent and valuable experience and is of universal significance in the process of summing up. Infatuated with the patchwork of modern landscape paintings can not fundamentally solve the problem of creation, then the significance of copying will be highlighted (the author is not copy theory, aimed at explaining that this is an indispensable step in the learning process).


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3 韩雪松;;“传移模写”的思想实质[J];北京理工大学学报(社会科学版);2012年05期

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6 王峰;;对六法中“传移模写”的再思考[J];美术界;2013年02期

7 罗洁;;“传移模写”——不可忽视的学画之道[J];大众文艺;2011年09期

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9 吉春阳;;试论元明清绘画的“仿”“拟”现象[J];国画家;2005年01期

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1 孙百安;论传移模写[N];美术报;2012年

2 傅绍友;个性符号的本源乃生活符号[N];大连日报;2010年

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1 梁世传;说“山水画临摹”[D];河北师范大学;2013年




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