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发布时间:2018-08-13 16:40
【摘要】:以李希特为代表的“影像派”艺术家使得影像和绘画的交融成为一种新艺术的可能。20世纪90年代中期后,在影像与绘画相交融的现代绘画形式的创新上,中国当代艺术家开始将影像作为一种元素融入到他们的绘画作品中来,,用绘画的方式表现影像的视觉效果,又同时保留艺术作品的绘画性,在选取影像、利用影像、改造影像的方法创新过程中,艺术实践的创新随之而来,许多艺术家通过影像绘画取得了成功,也有许多艺术家正走在影像绘画的探索之路上。这种艺术现象被舒阳命名为“中国影像绘画”。国内影像绘画艺术家的创作方法五彩缤纷,但详细对影像绘画艺术的创作方法进行探讨和梳理的文章稀少,这对于欲了解并参与到影像绘画艺术中来的人形成了障碍,对于中国影像绘画创作方法详细的梳理与研究迫在眉睫。影像绘画源于影像,但并非简单的复制影像,在这个复制品的再次复制过程中会完成对影像的不同改造。 本文旨在从影像的产生与发展入手阐述,涉及影像对于人类生活的影响,从而引入影像对于当代艺术的影响,接下来讲述中国影像绘画的现状,从诞生、发展以及影像绘画在当今中国艺术中的定位与现状,中国影像绘画艺术家创作方法的归类与分析是本文的重点,从照片入手到油画画布,选取什么样的影像资料,如何制作虚拟影像,以及艺术家会在画布上绘画之前对影像资料图片如何处理,会运用哪些数码影像软件处理,如何将纷乱复杂的影像资料整合、融合、再造,为什么这样整合、融合、再造,其想达到的艺术形式又是什么?本文从影像的绘画前的改造与绘画中的改造两大类展开具体的分析、论述,回答这一系列的问题,最后展开对中国影像绘画发展的思考。
[Abstract]:After the mid-1990s, in the innovation of modern forms of painting in which images and paintings blend, contemporary Chinese artists began to incorporate images into their paintings as an element, using paintings. In the process of selecting images, utilizing images and transforming images, the innovation of artistic practice follows. Many artists have achieved success through image painting, and many artists are on the way of exploring image painting. Xiang was named "Chinese Image Painting" by Shuyang. The creative methods of domestic image painting artists are colorful, but there are few articles to discuss and sort out the creative methods of image painting in detail. This is a barrier for those who want to understand and participate in the art of image painting, and for those who want to know more about the creative methods of Chinese image painting in detail. It is imminent to comb and study carefully. Image painting originates from images, but it is not a simple reproduction of images. In the reproduction process, different transformation of images will be completed.
The purpose of this article is to elaborate from the emergence and development of images, involving the impact of images on human life, thus introducing the impact of images on contemporary art, followed by the status quo of Chinese image painting, from the birth, development and image painting in contemporary Chinese art in the positioning and status quo, Chinese image painting artists creative methods Classification and analysis are the key points of this paper. From photographs to canvas, what kind of image data are selected, how to make virtual images, how to deal with the image data and pictures before the artist paints on the canvas, what kind of digital image software will be used to process, how to integrate, integrate and reconstruct the confused and complicated image data, Why is this integration, fusion, reconstruction, what is the artistic form it wants to achieve? This article from the image of the pre-painting transformation and painting in the transformation of the two major categories to launch a specific analysis, discussion, answer this series of questions, and finally to start thinking about the development of Chinese image painting.


相关期刊论文 前4条

1 张琪;;影像绘画——图像时代中架上绘画新的艺术选择[J];消费导刊;2009年05期

2 朱星亚;;中国影像绘画艺术创作方法探讨[J];美与时代(中);2011年11期

3 舒阳;中国影像绘画[J];美苑;2004年05期

4 杨坤;;浅析影像绘画创作的艺术特色[J];名作欣赏;2010年36期

相关硕士学位论文 前3条

1 刘燕;简析东西方“影像绘画”[D];曲阜师范大学;2011年

2 周铭;浅谈当代绘画中摄影图像的运用[D];西安美术学院;2009年

3 李井;绘画表达方法之当代影像绘画研究[D];西南交通大学;2009年




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