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发布时间:2018-08-14 10:51
[Abstract]:Combining with my own creative practice, this paper expounds the specific creative process and perception of "horse in the desert" from two aspects of subject matter and form of expression, especially from the aspects of painting forms such as composition, shape, color and so on, and combines with my own oil painting creation to carry out in-depth research in order to achieve theoretical research and creation. The harmony and unity of practice. The love of desert scenery to show personal aesthetic, emotional and ideological expression, this painting as a special topic of oil painting creation to study, this is the expansion of the field of oil painting creation performance, that is, the theme of new content, create and enrich the formal language, while emphasizing that the language of oil painting does not depend on the content. The horse in the desert expresses the unique beauty of the desert scenery by choosing, combining and reconstructing the images in the desert. After the beautiful and ideal expression of the desert scenery, the horse in the desert hopes that the self-discovery can be hinted behind the performance of the desert scenery so as to make the sand. The creation of desert landscape oil painting surpasses the expression level of landscape painting in general sense.It makes a serious and systematic exposition from perspectives and compositions,strokes and modelling,color individuation and nationalization,artistic conception and emotion,so that I can have a thorough and systematic understanding of contemporary landscape oil painting in terms of technique and ideology,so as to improve it. We understand the contemporary landscape oil painting and get some inspiration from it. At the same time, we ponder and study some problems which are easy to appear. We summarize a general idea of oil painting creation, and provide a better, complete and systematic theoretical knowledge for future landscape oil painting creation.


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1 罗晓飞;;绘画·科学·艺术——浅析新印象主义画家修拉油画技法[J];社会科学论坛;2006年07期




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