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发布时间:2018-08-14 09:38
【摘要】:绛州,地处山西省西南部,运城市(古河东)北端,汾河与黄河汇合处。清雍正二年(1724)升绛州为直隶州。民国元年(1912)改为新绛县。 绛州木版年画有其显著特点:一是历史悠久,发展脉络清晰。二是绛州木版年画内容丰富,种类繁多。三是绛州木版年画印刷手法多样。有单色印者、套色印者、半印半绘者,各类制作手法一应俱全,涵盖了各种木版年画的艺术表现形式。四是绛州木版年画刻工精细,构图精巧,雕刻细腻,长于工笔,具有极高的雕版研究价值。 年画和戏曲有着同样广大的群众基础。从它们产生到盛行,,虽各循其自己的道路发展着。但它们植根于群众的本质,就决定了这两种艺术势必要碰撞在一起。并且迸射出新的艺术之光。从许多年画作品中即可了解到各历史时期人民生活情况,又可窥见绘画艺术的现实主义传统在民间绘画中的发展。在千百年来历史发展的长河中,绛州木版年画是先辈们为今人留下诸多的历史文化遗产中的一朵艳丽的奇葩。它是过去劳动人民生产、生活的一种形式。其中的戏曲年画,更是对我们研究当地戏曲有着重要的作用。 虽然人们对年画和戏曲都不陌生,但它们都有着浓厚的地域性特征。因此,对每个产地的抢救和保护就显得尤为重要。本文对绛州木版年画的历史演变、生产工艺和艺术特征等方面的已有的资料做了归纳与整理。为了补充和丰富了现有的戏曲年画资料,通过多方面努力,还搜集到一些戏曲年画的画版和画。为了深入了解年画的制作工艺,本人亲自到新绛县,向当地的年画艺人请教、学习。 戏曲和年画在发展的过程中彼此相互促进,戏曲丰富了年画的题材内容,而年画记录和传播了戏曲。年画是了解戏曲的一条很好的途径,但是,年画也仅仅是了解戏曲的一条途径。透过年画远远不能窥探其全部。不可片面夸大年画对于戏曲研究价值。另外,通过年画来研究戏曲,也不能仅仅只盯着戏曲题材的年画,而应当对某地、某一体系的年画有一个全面的认识和了解,结合当地悠久的地缘文化综合起来加以研究,方能取得良好效果。总之,对绛州木板年画这一文化遗产继承、保护和传播,在多方面有着积极的意义。
[Abstract]:Jiangzhou, located in the southwest of Shanxi Province, Yuncheng (ancient river east) north end, Fenhe and Yellow River confluence. Qing Yongzheng two years (1724) for the Jiangzhou Zhili state. The first year of the Republic of China (1912) changed to the new Jiangxian County. Jiangzhou woodblock New year painting has its remarkable characteristics: first, a long history, clear development context. Second, Jiangzhou woodcut New year pictures rich in content, a variety of. Third, Jiangzhou woodblock New year painting printing techniques are diverse. There are monochrome printing, color printing, half printing, all kinds of production techniques, covering all kinds of woodwork New year art expression. Fourth, Jiangzhou woodplate New year painting fine engraving, delicate composition, exquisite carving, long for fine brushwork, with very high research value of engraving. New year's pictures and operas have the same broad mass base. From their birth to their prevalence, though each following its own path of development. But they rooted in the nature of the masses, decided that the two arts are bound to collide together. And a new light of art. People's life in various historical periods can be seen from many New year's paintings, and the development of realistic tradition of painting art in folk painting can also be seen. In the long history of thousands of years, Jiangzhou wooden New year painting is a beautiful flower among the many historical and cultural heritages left by the forefathers. It is a form of production and life for the working people in the past. Among them, the Chinese New year Opera, but also for us to study the local opera has an important role. Although people are familiar with New year paintings and operas, they all have strong regional characteristics. Therefore, the rescue and protection of each area is particularly important. In this paper, the historical evolution, production technology and artistic characteristics of Jiangzhou woodcut New year Pictures are summarized and sorted out. In order to supplement and enrich the existing Chinese New year Opera, through various efforts, also collected some Chinese New year opera paintings and paintings. In order to understand the production process of New year's Pictures, I personally went to Jiangxian County to consult and learn from local New year artists. Opera and New year Pictures promote each other in the process of development. Opera enriches the subject matter of New year Pictures, and New year Pictures record and spread opera. New year painting is a good way to understand opera, but it is only a way to understand opera. Through New year's pictures, it is far from being able to peek into its whole. We should not exaggerate the research value of New year painting on opera. In addition, to study traditional Chinese opera through New year's Pictures, we should not only focus on New year's Pictures on the theme of opera, but also have a comprehensive understanding and understanding of the New year paintings in a certain place and a certain system, and combine them with the long history of the local geo-culture to study them. In order to achieve good results. In a word, the inheritance, protection and dissemination of Jiangzhou plank New year painting have positive significance in many aspects.


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1 王j9村;木版年画中的“三




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