[Abstract]:As the basic material of ink painting, paper material has been playing the role of bearer in the history of ink painting for more than 1000 years. Paper has also been developed in the development of ink. From early hard, thick, rough linen paper to later soft, thin, white, thin leather paper, paper and ink developed together for more than a thousand years. In Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, calligraphy and painting began to use paper, in Sui and Tang dynasties Daxing used paper, five dynasties, Song and Yuan dynasties replaced silk and silk, Ming Dynasty made the most suitable ancient ink painting paper, Qing Dynasty paper and ink are declining day by day. In this course of development, paper has never been unknown, never resisted its situation. But the possibility of paper was never fully developed in ancient times. Whether it is the paper as the ink painting material, the paper as the bearer of the ink language, or even the paper as the bearer of Chinese culture, paper has never been actively explored the connotation behind it. Nowadays, contemporary art has entered people's vision, people are no longer satisfied with the traditional ink language of the past. The new possibilities of paper are worth thinking about.
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