[Abstract]:Chinese figure painting has a long history, its embryonic form can be seen from the Neolithic rock painting, the shape of simple, simple color, The imaginative personage represented the real record of life and some kind of good wish in the production practice and social life. The silk painting of warring States period shows us the original trace of the earliest Chinese figure painting, and fully demonstrates the modeling concept and artistic value of the Chinese figure painting in the warring States period. In Tang and Song dynasties, the ink figure painting experienced its peak development period, with vivid and lifelike figures. The wisdom of ink-wash figure painting has gradually formed a huge art system. The revolution of the times not only impacted the tradition, but also injected fresh blood and development power into the tradition at the beginning of the 20th century. The introduction of Western realism has caused great changes in the image form of Chinese ink figure painting. After the mid-1980s, various modernist trends of thought in the West have influenced the trend of the style of contemporary ink and wash characters' creation. The vitality and inclusiveness of contemporary ink figure painting are also revealed. The painting world of ink and water figures is in a state of a hundred schools of thought contending and a hundred flowers blooming. The modeling features of its ink figure painting are rich and colorful on the basis of paying attention to and expressing the social reality.
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