[Abstract]:Since ancient times, there has been much talk about "using brush". It can be seen that "using pen" plays an important role in the process of learning Chinese painting. The author thinks that the key to "landscape never like painting" lies in whether the pen and ink are exquisite, and the state of using the pen is also very particular. Not knot, knot board, and "letter pen" point can break this disease, so the author thought that "letter pen" a theory can be further explored. The author thinks that it is necessary to restate the concept of "letter pen" in the category of Chinese painting. However, if the "letter pen" is to be good, there is a prerequisite for a person without a bit of ink to talk about a "letter pen," which is bound to be made up of a man who is in his bosom, in order to be able to break up the situation, and when the meeting is open, the heart and hand will be United, and the hand of the heart will be able to meet, and only then can one write to God and camp in the hills and valleys. Even the pen contains the material. But how to fake the hands of God, this is not a day's work. Independent personality, rich feelings, solid knowledge and deep education will become the factors that affect its quality, and these factors are constantly accumulated with the years of sharpening, so the author put forward "draw things at the beginning of 'letter pen' for magic;" The idea of "believing in the pen" is confused; after the painting, the idea of "believing in the pen" for God. The letter pen is the highlight of personality, the portrayal of feelings, the expression of learning and cultivation, and the exaltation of the realm. Through this series of viewpoints, we can make a full exposition of the writing state of "letter pen", and get the conclusion that "after drawing things," The letter pen can also be used to give birth to the strange "this conclusion." The author thinks it is very meaningful to study the real traditional Chinese painting, even it is very necessary.
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