[Abstract]:This article will take the analysis individual artist as an example, and unifies own in the oil painting creation thought as well as meets some questions to discuss in the painting plane expression technique, the reflection in the painting plane performance, the plane essential factor in the multidimensional space application; How do these commonplace "planes" break the rules, change, cooperate to create new visual effects, and trigger changes in the situation of the viewer and the viewer? How to create infinite concepts and new realms in the latitude of time and space so as to transcend the finiteness of two dimensions and form the image of multiple worlds. At the same time is also a systematic carding of their own painting structure. The research will be organized around "related concepts system", "case analysis" and "significance introduction". It will take one's own study and experience as stepping stone and take contemporary artists as an example to analyze some of the artistic creation of some artists. Analysis of the use of graphic techniques in painting and the corresponding historical and cultural background, as well as the creation of works affected by this, the analysis of some works in the modeling language of the free form and the expression of personalized symbols, Finally, the influence of this kind of works on some artistic creators and contemporary society is extended to find their own position with a clear "thinking consciousness" to guide their creative practice.
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