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发布时间:2018-09-03 17:54
[Abstract]:The expression of independent personality in Chinese contemporary painting art is the focus of this paper. Independent personality has been fully manifested in the development of painting art, but there is not much research on independent personality in painting creation. Under the influence of Chinese contemporary money supreme consumption value, the personality of contemporary Chinese painting artists is complicated. Especially in the contemporary Chinese painting art, the independent personality is seriously missing, and the independent personality is one-sided and ignored. This paper reveals the lack of independent personality from the current situation of Chinese contemporary painting art, and analyzes the performance of independent personality in the painting art. This paper focuses on the relationship between the consciousness of independent personality and the spirit of intellectuals. By citing and illustrating the concept of independent personality in the creation of painting art, the function of independent personality in the creation of painting is of great importance to the creation of contemporary Chinese painting art. Focus on the analysis of the painter's independent thinking, innovative consciousness and humanistic spirit. Finally, the importance of improving and cultivating independent personality is explained, which plays an important role in the development of contemporary Chinese painting art.


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