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发布时间:2018-09-07 22:00
【摘要】:中国画具备独特的民族风格,然而现有研究多是西方学者针对西方绘画艺术开展,对中国画审美的研究寥寥无几,因此,中国画审美研究是美学发展的必然要求。本研究以具备代表性的花鸟画和山水画为素材,考察大学生的审美体验,并比较专家与新手的审美特点。 研究一构建了审美体验问卷,以八幅色彩风格不同的花鸟画作品为材料,通过问卷施测、探索性因素分析,得到35个条目的问卷,涉及到审美体验的七个方面,分别为负性情绪、吸引力、艺术性、自我关联、认知探索、专业知识和意义理解。同时分析了大学生审美偏好,结果显示作品色彩显著影响被试审美偏好,被试更喜欢带彩作品。 研究二进一步研究了专家与新手审美偏好特点,并对相关眼动指标进行分析,结果显示,专家的审美偏好受作品风格影响显著,受作品色彩影响较小,新手审美偏好受作品色彩影响显著,受作品风格影响较小。这也验证了研究一得出的结果。眼动指标上,总体来看,专家与新手无显著差异,但是两类被试各自欣赏不同作品时的眼动指标有显著差异,说明专家与新手有不同的欣赏习惯,除了受作品本身影响,专业知识的影响不容忽视。
[Abstract]:Chinese painting has a unique national style, but most of the existing research is carried out by western scholars for Western painting art, the aesthetic study of Chinese painting is very few, therefore, the aesthetic study of Chinese painting is the inevitable requirement of aesthetic development. The aesthetic characteristics of experts and novice are compared.
Study 1 constructed a questionnaire on aesthetic experience. Eight flower-and-bird paintings with different colors and styles were used as materials. Through questionnaires and exploratory factor analysis, 35 items of questionnaires were obtained, which involved seven aspects of aesthetic experience: negative emotion, attraction, artistry, self-correlation, cognitive exploration, professional knowledge and meaning understanding. The results show that the color of the works has a significant influence on the aesthetic preference of the subjects, and the subjects prefer the colored works.
Research 2 further studies the characteristics of aesthetic preferences of experts and novices, and analyzes the relevant eye movement indicators. The results show that the aesthetic preferences of experts are significantly influenced by the style of the work, less influenced by the color of the work, novices'aesthetic preferences are significantly influenced by the color of the work, less influenced by the style of the work. Results. In general, there was no significant difference in eye movement between experts and novices, but there was significant difference in eye movement between the two groups of subjects when they appreciated different works, indicating that experts and novices had different appreciation habits. Besides the influence of the works themselves, the influence of professional knowledge could not be ignored.


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