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发布时间:2018-09-09 11:57
[Abstract]:As a unique art form, propaganda painting has been widely used in China in the early 20th century, and its development process has been put on a political coat under the influence of the modern national revolution. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1949, great importance has been attached to strengthening ideological education, and posters are one of the most important types of political propaganda. From one side, the Communist Party of China promotes the political socialization process characteristic emphatically. During the "Great Leap forward" movement, posters were widely influenced by "Art Service Politics" and entered a period of rich development. From the policy of "leap forward" to the movement of "leap forward", in the form of propaganda at that time, it was conveyed through exaggerated means of expression, and gradually integrated into the people's ideas in an intuitive, easy-to-understand way of propaganda. At the same time, the core ideology of political culture is also slowly participating in the life of the masses. The values and aesthetic standards of the people are guided by the artistic forms and ideological content shown in the posters. So that the way of thinking and behavior gradually closer to politics, condensed powerful revolutionary forces. By taking part in the mass movement of "Great Leap forward", the basic framework and theoretical connotation of Chinese political posters were basically formed, and they continued to infiltrate into the art and even other cross-border fields, making the political forms rich and colorful. As conveyed in the political posters of the Great Leap forward period, the focus and perspective of scholars and experts has gradually extended from individual leaders or leading groups to the level of people's lives. At the same time, in the light of the social psychology and historical situation widely displayed by the masses, this paper analyzes the role and influence of social psychology on the formation of major revolutionary movements in the historical conditions of the special period, and takes the artistic achievements of that time as the starting point of the research. This paper analyzes the general group feeling of history and reality, and the influence of social psychology on the time. After the founding of the people's Republic, as a proletarian party with the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism, the struggle for legitimacy and the strengthening of ideological education have become the most important work, which is the most powerful support for mass mobilization. Therefore, the Communist Party of China adopts various forms to promote the socialization of mainstream consciousness, and devotes itself to people's life, culture and education, and political propaganda plays a very important role in ideological education. In the period of the Great Leap forward, it is more concrete and extensive, showing the political process of contemporary China. This paper analyzes the relationship between the "Great Leap forward" movement and the social psychology of the masses through the propaganda of that time, which is an important carrier of political propaganda. Through this article, we summarize the historical experience, draw lessons from history, learn from each other's weaknesses, and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Let the social psychology in the people's life to play a positive impact, in order to be more conducive to socialist construction, reform, development, stability services.


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