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发布时间:2018-10-04 22:22
[Abstract]:In the Han Dynasty, people yearned for the world to continue to enjoy human happiness after death, and the society became popular with a extravagant style of burial. At the same time, all kinds of thoughts and adoration were mixed up, "the soul never died" belief, and "the unity of nature and man". The consciousness of yin and yang, theology of prophecy and worship of the sun and moon gods were the basis of the Han Dynasty, which created the brilliance of the portrait of Han Dynasty. From the ancient totem consciousness, to the worship of life in Chu, to the broad and profound art form of Han portrait art, we can clearly see the evolution and development of the image of the whole bird and frog. The idea of sun and moon symbiosis derived from the image of bird and frog had already sprouted in the pottery age and was applied to artistic modeling. In the portrait of the Han Dynasty, Yangwu and Toad display the sun and moon of the sky with vivid images and mature lines. The sun and moon in the sky are most closely related to human beings, and people are full of imagination and emotion. The depiction of the three-legged golden black in the sun and the toad in the moon not only avoids the dull expression of the image of the sun and the moon. Is to give the life of the sun and moon vitality. At the same time, there are abundant spiritual contents and social information in the sun, sun and the moon. The sun and moon not only express the real celestial phenomena, but also are the tools of human imagination to help people rise to the fairy. Sun and moon change, life and death cycle, the ancients in the search for a harmonious order, all coexistence of yin and yang, sun and moon symbiosis, everything has the beginning and end, the world will maintain a harmonious state. In this paper, the symbiotic relationship between Yangwu and toad in Han Dynasty is analyzed with the background of the unity of man and nature and the concept of funeral. Secondly, the image transmutation of Zhonghangwu and Toad in different historical stages was compared to trace the beautiful and natural state of harmony and harmony between Chinese ancestors and animals. Thirdly, by comparing the images of Yang Wu and Toad in the portrait of Nanyang Han Dynasty with other regions, we can understand the unique features of the four main stone relief areas, and highlight the humanistic value of the co-existing image of Yangwu and Toad in Nanyang. Finally, the image implication of the symbiotic image of Yangwu and toad in the portrait of Nanyang Han Dynasty is expounded, and the study on the symbiotic relationship between them is deepened. Based on the social thoughts of the Han Dynasty and the literature collected, the methods used in this paper are used to study the characteristics of the times and the artistic connotation of the symbiosis between Yangwu and toad through the surface phenomena of images. This paper discusses the emergence, development and symbiotic relationship between the image of Yang Wu and the toad, and the symbolic significance of the image of Yang Wu and the toad in the portrait of Nanyang Han Dynasty. The innovation of this paper is to discuss the different positions of the images of Yangwu and toad in the tomb environment and the surrounding decoration in the Han Dynasty, and to compare their symbiotic relationship with the images of the previous generation birds and frogs, and to compare them with the different symbolic meanings of the images of the previous generation birds and frogs.


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