发布时间:2018-10-15 10:54
【摘要】:法海寺壁画是目前保存完整的明朝时期壁画,其以精致细腻、富丽堂皇、气势恢宏等绘画风格著称于世,代表着明朝时期中国壁画的最高成就,艺术价值、历史价值和研究价值都非常高。这个由宫廷画师为主创作的精美壁画,以佛教文化为创作题材,沿用唐宋画法,沥粉贴金,,工笔重彩,所呈现出来的画面给人以金碧辉煌、气势磅礴之感。作为中国悠久传统壁画历史中的代表作品,法海寺壁画给我们留下了宝贵而又丰富的物质文化遗产,它的艺术特点和理念对于当代壁画甚至其它艺术的创作都有重要的借鉴价值。 文章立题《法海寺壁画技法与材料研究》,并从五个部分来进行逐一阐述。第一部分,首先对中国壁画的发展情况进行了介绍,主要介绍了莫高窟壁画、永乐宫壁画和法海寺壁画;然后详细的叙述了法海寺的历史沿革,对法海寺壁画的特色及价值进行了讨论,并将其与同时期的西方文艺复兴时期壁画进行了比较。第二部分则着重赏析了法海寺的壁画作品,包括两幅《佛会图》、三幅《祥云图》、三幅《三大士图》以及两幅《帝释梵天礼佛护法图》。第三部分主要从构图方式、人物造型、线条表现、色彩应用等四个方面,对法海寺壁画创作中使用的技法进行了解析。第四部分则对法海寺壁画使用的材料进行了研究,主要包括墙体制作方法、颜料的使用以及沥粉堆金的工艺。第五部分对法海寺壁画的风格来源进行了研究,认为法海寺继承了唐代绘画、晋北辽金壁画和南宋院体绘画的风格,是对中国历代优秀绘画风格的继承与发扬。 本文旨在通过研究法海寺壁画的技法与材料两个角度来解析法海寺壁画中蕴含的艺术价值,引起人们对于中国传统壁画研究的重视,促使人们在进行当代中国壁画创作的时候,能更好地吸收和借鉴中国传统壁画的艺术理念,从而创作出更具艺术魅力的壁画作品。
[Abstract]:Fahai Temple frescoes are fully preserved at present in the Ming Dynasty. They are famous for their exquisite, magnificent and magnificent painting styles. They represent the highest achievement and artistic value of Chinese murals in the Ming Dynasty. Both historical value and research value are very high. This beautiful fresco, mainly created by court painters, takes Buddhist culture as the subject matter, follows the painting method of Tang and Song dynasties, draining powder and putting gold on gold, and meticulous brushwork, which presents a brilliant and majestic sense of grandeur. As a representative work in the history of Chinese traditional murals, Fahai Temple murals have left us precious and rich material and cultural heritage. Its artistic characteristics and ideas have important reference value for contemporary murals and even other art creation. In this paper, the title of Fahai Temple murals techniques and materials, and from five parts to explain one by one. The first part introduces the development of Chinese murals, mainly introduces the murals of Mogao Grottoes, Yongle Palace and Fahai Temple, and then describes the history of Fahai Temple in detail. The characteristics and value of Fahai Temple murals are discussed and compared with those of western Renaissance murals in the same period. The second part focuses on the appreciation of the murals of Fahai Temple, including two Buddhist paintings, three Xiangyun Pictures, three Great Scholars and two Divine paintings. The third part mainly analyzes the techniques used in the creation of Fahai Temple murals from four aspects: composition, character modeling, line expression and color application. In the fourth part, the materials used in Fahai Temple murals are studied, including the wall making method, the use of pigments and the process of depositing gold with leachate. The fifth part has carried on the research to the Fahai Temple mural style origin, believed that the Fahai Temple inherited the Tang Dynasty painting, the Jin Dynasty fresco painting style and the Southern Song Dynasty style painting style, was the inheritance and the development to the Chinese successive dynasties outstanding painting style. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the artistic value of Fahai Temple frescoes from the perspectives of techniques and materials of Fahai Temple murals, to arouse people's attention to the study of traditional Chinese murals, and to urge people to create contemporary Chinese murals. It can better absorb and draw lessons from the traditional Chinese mural art concept, thus creating more artistic charm of murals works.
[Abstract]:Fahai Temple frescoes are fully preserved at present in the Ming Dynasty. They are famous for their exquisite, magnificent and magnificent painting styles. They represent the highest achievement and artistic value of Chinese murals in the Ming Dynasty. Both historical value and research value are very high. This beautiful fresco, mainly created by court painters, takes Buddhist culture as the subject matter, follows the painting method of Tang and Song dynasties, draining powder and putting gold on gold, and meticulous brushwork, which presents a brilliant and majestic sense of grandeur. As a representative work in the history of Chinese traditional murals, Fahai Temple murals have left us precious and rich material and cultural heritage. Its artistic characteristics and ideas have important reference value for contemporary murals and even other art creation. In this paper, the title of Fahai Temple murals techniques and materials, and from five parts to explain one by one. The first part introduces the development of Chinese murals, mainly introduces the murals of Mogao Grottoes, Yongle Palace and Fahai Temple, and then describes the history of Fahai Temple in detail. The characteristics and value of Fahai Temple murals are discussed and compared with those of western Renaissance murals in the same period. The second part focuses on the appreciation of the murals of Fahai Temple, including two Buddhist paintings, three Xiangyun Pictures, three Great Scholars and two Divine paintings. The third part mainly analyzes the techniques used in the creation of Fahai Temple murals from four aspects: composition, character modeling, line expression and color application. In the fourth part, the materials used in Fahai Temple murals are studied, including the wall making method, the use of pigments and the process of depositing gold with leachate. The fifth part has carried on the research to the Fahai Temple mural style origin, believed that the Fahai Temple inherited the Tang Dynasty painting, the Jin Dynasty fresco painting style and the Southern Song Dynasty style painting style, was the inheritance and the development to the Chinese successive dynasties outstanding painting style. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the artistic value of Fahai Temple frescoes from the perspectives of techniques and materials of Fahai Temple murals, to arouse people's attention to the study of traditional Chinese murals, and to urge people to create contemporary Chinese murals. It can better absorb and draw lessons from the traditional Chinese mural art concept, thus creating more artistic charm of murals works.
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1 邓健铭;中国画色彩探微[J];怀化学院学报(社会科学);2003年01期
2 王文彬;我国传统壁画的材料工艺及应用[J];美术研究;1987年02期
3 彭颢善;彭尊善;;法海寺壁画:明代非主流绘画中的典范[J];名作欣赏;2011年08期
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