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发布时间:2018-10-15 13:52
【摘要】:中国20世纪的美术发展,遵循着继承、革新我们民族的传统文化艺术和借鉴、吸收西方现代艺术成就的发展轨迹。近现代水墨人物画创作引入了西方形式构成以及表现主义绘画的元素,同时吸收了一些西方绘画的科学方法和理念,从而为水墨人物画注入了新的活力,带来了丰富的艺术形式。现代水墨人物画既具有传统中国人物画的特征和丰富的表现力,又密切关注社会现实,形成融合中西文化的艺术特色。 本文主要分为三个部分。在第一部分,作者对中国水墨人物画的发展历史和现状进行了大致的梳理和总结,对水墨人物画创作中应当遵循的中国画传统美学思想—“意象”进行了初步阐释。第二部分中,通过总结作者近些年的水墨人物画写生创作实践,从传统水墨出发,以自己的认识和理解为基础,分别从创作理念、题材选择、形式、技法等方面,对所创作的系列水墨人物画进行了简要的分析,试图寻找一种新的笔墨表现形式。通过《露西的生活》都市水墨画作系列,尝试新的表现方式,以实现心灵和形式的统一和融合,从内容和形式两方面丰富现代水墨人物的创作实践。在文章的第三部分里,我总结了自己对现阶段水墨人物画创作的一些体会和思考。 无数成功的实例表明,我们只有深入生活才能发现具有感染力的创作题材,从而探索创作基于自己独特视角的作品。我精心选择了自己日常生活的几个瞬间作为主题,对生活进行真实的表达。在对技法运用实践的过程中,我主要从三方面进行了尝试。首先是对于表现性水墨人物画笔墨、造型、色彩语言的尝试,对题材的选择、技法的运用等问题进行了初步的总结。其次是对作品的形式构成的探索。另外,探讨了水墨人物画的意象表达。这三方面的实践使我既能增强造型能力,又能从多方面发展自己的水墨语言的表现力,从而在不断的探索过程中寻找适合自己画面的表现方法,通过生动的绘画语言来充分表现内心的情感,最终形成自己独具个性的表达方式。
[Abstract]:The development of Chinese fine arts in the 20th century follows the development track of inheriting and innovating the traditional culture and art of our nation and absorbing the achievement of western modern art. The creation of modern ink figure painting introduces the elements of western form and expressionism, and absorbs some scientific methods and ideas of western painting, thus infusing new vitality into ink figure painting. Brought a wealth of art forms. Modern ink figure painting not only has the characteristics of traditional Chinese figure painting and rich expressive power, but also pays close attention to the social reality and forms the artistic characteristics of integrating Chinese and western cultures. This paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, the author summarizes the development history and current situation of Chinese ink figure painting, and gives a preliminary explanation of the traditional aesthetic thought of Chinese ink figure painting-"image". In the second part, by summarizing the author's creation practice in recent years, starting from the traditional ink painting, based on his own understanding and understanding, respectively from the creative concept, theme selection, form, techniques and so on. This paper makes a brief analysis of the series of ink and wash figure paintings, and tries to find a new form of expression. Through the series of urban ink and wash paintings in Lucy's Life, this paper tries to try new ways of expression to realize the unity and fusion of mind and form, and enrich the creative practice of modern ink and wash characters from two aspects: content and form. In the third part of the article, I sum up my own experience and thinking about the creation of ink figure painting at this stage. Numerous successful examples show that only by going deep into life can we discover the infectious themes and thus explore the creation of works based on our own unique perspective. I carefully selected a few moments of my daily life as the theme of the real expression of life. In the process of using techniques, I mainly try from three aspects. First of all, it summarizes the problems of expressive ink painting, modeling, color language, the choice of subject matter, the application of techniques and so on. The second is the exploration of the form of the work. In addition, it discusses the image expression of ink figure painting. These three aspects of practice enable me not only to enhance my modeling ability, but also to develop the expressive power of my own ink and wash language in many ways, so as to find a way of expressing myself in the process of continuous exploration. Through vivid painting language to fully express the inner feelings, and finally form their own unique expression.


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