[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of "formation" into the characteristics of the current fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting, to analyze its characteristics, and to compare it with the "momentum" of freehand brushwork, in order to compare the respective artistic characteristics of the fine brushwork and the freehand brushwork of flower-and-bird painting. Show their respective artistic charm. Fine brushwork and freehand brushwork are the two main forms of Chinese painting. Thousands of years of continuous vigorous development, each with a look. In Han Dynasty, the calligraphy and painters of Jin Dynasty have already mentioned the concepts of "potential", "array" and "qi", and later theorists have classical comments on fine brushwork, freehand brushwork and bird painting. Based on the analysis of the fine brushwork and freehand brushwork, this paper analyzes the Chinese flower-and-bird painting practice works. This paper tries to describe the characteristics of fine brushwork with "formation": grand, full and dense composition; standard, neatly arranged, orderly scenery modeling; simple lines and colors. Use "momentum" to describe the characteristics of freehand brushwork: odd dangerous, empty, dynamic composition; abstract, changeable, random scenery modeling; rich lines and colors. And the comparison of "formation" and "momentum", highlight their artistic characteristics. And the theory into their own Chinese painting creation.
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