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发布时间:2018-10-18 15:14
[Abstract]:Still meaning, is the expression of the unified values of Chinese technology and Taoism in art. It is included in all branches of art in China. It is not only pure aesthetics, but also the experience of art practice. The aesthetics of Shang Yi reflects the Chinese world view of the unity of nature and man. In art, we advocate that we should pay more attention to the care of human life and the role of enlightenment. In the creation of meticulous landscape painting, there is a strong empathy in the object, the use of scenery lyric, and the aesthetic thinking of blending the mood; and advocate to transfer charm, meaning, express image, create artistic conception for the purpose of creation. From the philosophical level, still embodies the aesthetic spirit with Oriental temperament. Also is the Chinese art maintains the national characteristic important internal factor. Meticulous landscape painting, in today's, is in the dynamic development of the opportunity. How to absorb foreign culture at the same time in such an open era and not be alienated and develop healthily along the right track of oriental lineage; esthetics of still meaning will undoubtedly be a good medicine for health care. At the same time, it can also bring some beneficial enlightenment for innovation, make the fine brushwork landscape painting art more real, natural and easy development, but also let the artist towards the freedom of heart-unintentional state.


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