[Abstract]:Three years of precipitation, mood landing, the perception of art will also be different. Looking at the past creation always has a kind of too ethereal uneasiness, it is time to clean up the picture effect and clarify the painting ideas. The attitude and position of this thesis on art-the self-analysis of creation includes the understanding from the first creation to the present, the change of ideas in the art creation, and the experience and feeling of art at different stages. It is also a review and summary of the three years in school. From the stage of seeking "expression of emotion" in art to the stage of "material intervention" in order to find new ways to express the media, and finally to the study of the works of contemporary masters of art, to see clearly and firmly their own artistic path. To clarify the artistic attitude and position. Recognizing the importance of "attitude and stand", it is the origin of all the paintings, its existence and growth in the development of art is essential. At the same time, I also realized that painting is not only the catharsis and expression of emotion, but also the record of emotion. Love life, taste the experience of life, can draw a touching painting. I learned what I think and feel, and take this opportunity to make a detailed analysis of my painting track. No longer have no attitude no position painting, for themselves is a good precipitation and reflection. For the future of the art road combing the direction of the method.
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