源于心 止于画—中西方画家创作情感表达方式比对
[Abstract]:Painting is the perfect combination of subjectivity and objective reality of the painter, and the fusion of the painter's senses and inner feelings. This understanding is established for any painting form and painter. Only different, first of all, each painter's different understanding of the objective object, resulting in different feelings; The second is the creative emotion under the influence of different ways of expression of painting. In the rapid development of the information age, but also to the field of painting has brought a lot of influence, we can almost receive the latest painting art information in the first time. With the acceptance and popularization of western oil painting in China, some western aesthetic thoughts have also been accepted. The concept of western painting has enriched the artistic form of painting in our country, and has added more variety of artistry to people's life. Also for the development of local ink painting played a certain role in promoting. At the same time, the local culture has also been affected, how to maintain the integration of Chinese and Western culture in the art form of painting, especially in oil paintings from the West to convey Chinese aesthetic thinking, we should strive to explore the direction. Chinese and Western painters grow up in different national and cultural backgrounds, whether in the creation of painting emotion or the differences in the way of expression is worthy of our study. This paper mainly discusses the differences between Chinese and western painting from two aspects. The first part begins with the subjective aspect, that is, the painter's emotion of painting creation, and analyzes the three main factors that affect the artist's creative emotion: social environment. The quality of the painter and the philosophy thought, and carries on the comparison; The second part mainly analyzes the difference between Chinese and Western painting from the way of painting expression, discusses the characteristics of western oil painting and Chinese ink painting, and makes a comparison, and analyzes the practical significance of the result of comparison; The third part discusses the exploration practice after summing up and comparing the first two parts. I hope oil painting can form its own unique style in China and be loved by more people.
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