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发布时间:2018-12-15 20:29
【摘要】:赵奇作为一位现实主义画家,他把对人的情感、对土地的热爱、对历史的态度都融入到自己的作品中,在审美把握和人生思索中展现出现实主义的艺术魅力,创作出写实绘画新的价值准则。就此而言,赵奇重构了现实主义艺术的庄严性及审美的某些本质。他研究学习古人的传统画风,用宋人山水中的皴法,创作出浑厚、博大、阳刚、雄阔的笔墨形态,建构了人物画笔墨程式新的审美标准。他独特的绘画风格吸引着大批欣赏者,尤其是在写意人物画中所呈现出的历史浑厚感,更使其绘画艺术具有思想价值和社会价值。赵奇的绘画对中国画艺术的发展有着特殊贡献,非常值得我们研究和思考。 通过采用临摹赵奇写意人物画的方法,以及查阅近些年有关赵奇及其绘画艺术的文献资料,包括赵奇本人的画册、理论研究、诗集和散文等与之相关信息进行研究。经过深挖与整合后,重点探究赵奇写意人物画中所表现出的历史浑厚感这一艺术特征,进而阐明其绘画的价值与意义。 本文首先简要的介绍了赵奇的整个艺术创作与生活经历及其绘画的整体面貌,然后从作品的选材、主题、章法、笔墨、色彩、造型、情感等方面着重研究与分析了历史浑厚感在他的写意人物画中的具体呈现,最后阐述他的绘画对于当代中国画发展的作用和意义,得出赵奇写意人物画既有别于以畅神和自娱为目的的自我欣赏型的小情调艺术,又不同于仅以赏心悦目为目的单纯满足审美需求的娱乐性艺术,,而是具有极大的历史使命感和社会责任感,具有民族特征和精神内涵,具有认知、教育、审美三大社会功能的大艺术的结论。
[Abstract]:As a realistic painter, Zhao Qi integrates his feelings towards people, his love of land and his attitude towards history into his works, showing the artistic charm of realism in his aesthetic grasp and thinking about life. Create a new value criterion for realistic painting. In this regard, Zhao Qi reconstructs the majesty of realistic art and some essence of aesthetics. He studied and studied the traditional painting style of the ancients, using the chapping method in the landscape of the Song Dynasty, created a rich, broad, masculine and broad brush and ink form, and constructed a new aesthetic standard for the calligraphy and ink program of the figure painting. His unique painting style attracts a large number of appreciators, especially in freehand brushwork painting showing a sense of historical depth, which makes his painting art has ideological value and social value. Zhao Qi's painting has a special contribution to the development of Chinese painting art. By using the method of copying Zhao Qi's freehand figure painting, and consulting the literature about Zhao Qi and his painting art in recent years, including Zhao Qi's album of paintings, theoretical research, poetry collection and prose, etc. After deep excavation and integration, the emphasis is to explore the artistic features of Zhao Qi's freehand brushwork painting, which is characterized by the profound feeling of history, and then clarifies the value and significance of his painting. This article first briefly introduces Zhao Qi's entire artistic creation and life experience and the overall appearance of his paintings, then from the work of the selection of materials, theme, composition, ink, color, modeling, Emotion and other aspects focus on the study and analysis of the historical feeling in his freehand figure painting in the specific presentation, and finally elaborated his painting for the development of contemporary Chinese painting role and significance, It is concluded that the freehand figure painting of Zhao Qi is not only different from the small emotional art of self-appreciation for the purpose of unobstructed spirit and self-entertainment, but also different from the entertainment art which only aims to satisfy the aesthetic needs with the aim of pleasing the heart to the eyes. It is a conclusion of great historical mission and social responsibility, national characteristics and spiritual connotations, as well as three social functions of cognition, education and aesthetics.


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