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发布时间:2018-12-15 21:40
【摘要】:《青卞隐居图》被认为是王蒙的传世名作,该画在绘画题材、绘画风格以及笔墨技法表现等方面都具有自己独特、鲜明的特色,创造了中国山水画笔墨形式的典范。研究该画笔墨技法本身就有着非常重要的现实意义,而探讨其笔墨语言背后所蕴含的文化内涵和艺术趣味对于我们今天的美术实践及创作更有着深远的意义。 在王蒙那里,唐宋以来的书法和绘画创作活动蜕变为表达思想、渲泄情感、寄托胸臆的手段,开创了中国绘画写意和精神性表达的新境界,由此和元代四家一起将水墨文人画发展到一个新的艺术境界和高度。当今社会已发生了巨大的变化,人们的生活己不仅仅停留在书法和绘画上,在这样的状态下,中国画应该怎样发展,怎样上承传统下启未来,,表达当代人的心性和认识,是摆在当今水墨画家面前的实际问题。由王蒙的《青卞隐居图》入手,深入研究其绘画技法和精神表达之间的关系,或许对于我们今天的创作有着实际意义。 本文试图以《青卞隐居图》为主线对王蒙进行研究,全文主要分为五个章节,第一章简略介绍了该画的由来,第二部分重点研究该画灵活多变的笔法与浑厚苍润的笔法之美,第三部分,着重分析了该画的史学价值和精神意趣,第四部分,饱满繁复的结构与气脉融贯的“气”与“势,第五部分则阐述了该画的历史地位、对后世绘画的影响以及对于当前艺术创作的有益启示。
[Abstract]:Qing Bian seclusion Picture is considered to be Wang Meng's famous masterpiece, which has its own unique and distinctive characteristics in painting subject matter, painting style and the expression of brushwork and ink technique, and has created a model of Chinese landscape painting style. It is of great practical significance to study the techniques of painting and ink painting, and it is of great significance to explore the cultural connotation and artistic interest behind the painting and ink language for our art practice and creation today. In Wang Meng's case, the calligraphy and painting activities since the Tang and Song dynasties changed into the means of expressing thoughts, releasing emotions and holding their minds, thus creating a new realm of freehand brushwork and spiritual expression in Chinese painting. From this and the Yuan Dynasty four together will ink literati painting to a new artistic realm and height. Great changes have taken place in today's society, and people's lives are not confined to calligraphy and painting. In such a state, how should Chinese painting develop, how to inherit tradition and inspire the future, and how to express the heart and understanding of contemporary people? It is a practical problem in front of today's ink and wash painters. It is of practical significance for us to study the relationship between painting techniques and spiritual expression from Wang Meng's "Qing Bian seclusion Picture". This paper attempts to study Wang Meng with the main line of "Qingbian seclusion Picture". The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the origin of the painting, the second part focuses on the flexible and changeable strokes and the beauty of the rich and smooth strokes. The third part focuses on the historical value and spiritual interest of the painting, the fourth part, "Qi" and "potential" which is full of complicated structure and the combination of Qi and pulse, and the fifth part expounds the historical position of the painting. The influence to the later generation painting and the beneficial enlightenment to the present art creation.


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