[Abstract]:Pop art rose in the early 1960s in the West, is an accompanying form of industrialized society, is the atmosphere of advanced industrial technology in the natural formation of visual language paradigm. China's pop art has its own special social background and concept pursuit. Unlike the western pop, it is produced naturally in accordance with the level of industrial civilization, but under the influence of new trends of thought. When pop art appears as an art phenomenon in China, it makes a profound reflection on the related cultural issues, and the political issues become more prominent. The Chinese pop art itself relies heavily on the subject matter, beginning with the political subject matter. Later, there were commercial, entertainment, historical, recreational, cultural and other subjects. Wang Guangyi paid more attention to and explored the absurd and ironic elements in the social transformation. In his works of great criticism, he repeatedly uses the same red light, the masculine image of the workers, peasants and soldiers and the ever-changing symbol of Western civilization, to achieve the effect of a dialogue between Chinese and Western civilizations. But as a pop work, he only raises a question. Because of their own cultural background and different experience, the audience will produce different interpretations of different opinions, symbolic language of mutual fabric, forming his personalized characteristics, showing his deep thinking of the past history. If the grand critical symbolic language is regarded as part of the Noumenon language system of painting, then there will certainly be a logical prospect for development. If we look at it again with the traditional Chinese aesthetics, Red Star as Wang Guangyi icon with the times and continue to develop one of the results, it is logical and logical.
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