[Abstract]:The period of New Culture Movement is an important period for the transition from Chinese painting to modern painting, and the conflict and fusion of Chinese and Western ideas are the ideological resources for the modern transformation of Chinese painting. This paper takes the dispute of the improvement of Chinese painting in the period of New Culture Movement as the main research object and discusses the development of Chinese painting in the period of the New Culture Movement from the standpoint of confrontation between the traditional school and the revolutionary school. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part summarizes the whole situation of Chinese painting in the bud of New Culture Movement. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the Chinese painting world showed the trend of pursuing tradition and personality innovation. From the two angles of court painting and literati painting, the court painting complied with the beauty of the royal nobility and was rich and expensive, and the literati painting reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty. The second part discusses the reasons for the controversy of Chinese painting during the New Cultural Movement. In the special background of the times, political reform, literary revolution and the debate between east and west culture play an important role in the debate, and the controversy of Chinese painting can be said to be heterogeneous and moving along the same track. The third part discusses the dispute about the improvement of Chinese painting. The reformists began the exploration of Chinese painting with the improvement thought of Kangliang; Xu Beihong carried out the exploration of "introducing the west to run in the middle"; Lin Fengmian fused the form of western art with the meaning of Chinese painting; the traditional school opened the first course of guarding the tradition. This article respects the historical facts, combs and analyzes the controversy of Chinese painting in this period, in order to interpret the development of Chinese painting in this period, through the review of history, it provides a reference for the contemporary Chinese painting creation in the era of reform and innovation.
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