[Abstract]:In my creative process with old-fashioned residential areas as the theme, I have experienced many times from trying to failure, from failure to continue to try again and again, in this constant attempt of the creative process, Among them, the problem of painting material performance and the problem of the theme of creation have aroused my concern. This article will start with the discussion of how to trace the origin of the theme of old-fashioned houses, focusing on how I carry out the painting practice experience of painting material performance and the formation of the picture in my creation. Secondly, the author divides the creation into composition picture and composition picture, and makes a comparative analysis on the two kinds of pictures which lead to different results because of the different painting process. Argumentation from composition picture and composition picture is a process of change from making to creating, from narration to painting, and this process is also the core of the interactive relationship between material performance and subject manifestation, which is mutually facilitated and revealed. At the end of this paper, combining the composition picture and the composition picture, I will sum up how to express the painting material in my creation, how the theme of the creation appears in the course of the material expression. How does the theme in this manifestation form the interactive process of reverse inspiration to the material performance, and it is concluded that the material performance plays a revealing role in the theme manifestation, and the theme manifestation plays an enlightening role in the material performance? The conclusion that material expression and theme show in the process of painting is a mutual promotion and mutual revealing interaction.
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